The Alabama Cooperative Extension System
 Thursday, January 15, 2009

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2005 World Food Day Teleconference
A Brazilian Experience 
A Woman's Work (1965)
ACES "Drive for Excellence"
ACES Cleburne County FY 2004 Activities
Adult Education Principles for Loggers
Agricultural Outlook Satellite Conference
Airblast Sprayer Calibration
Alabama 4-H Center Virtual Tour
Alabama 4-H Congress 1999
Alabama Business Tax 
Alabama Community Education Association 2002 Program Highlights
Alabama Cooperative Extension System PSA  "Helping Hands" PSA's  :60 & :30
Alabama Cotton Insects Program #1 05/31/96
Alabama Cotton Insects Program #2 /Current Conditions 06/18/96
Alabama Cotton Insects/Current Conditions 07/26/96
Alabama Cotton Update #1  05/07/97
Alabama Cotton Update #2
Alabama Cotton Update #2  06/17/98
Alabama Cotton Update #3
Alabama Cotton Update #4
Alabama Forest Resources Today 04/19/97
Alabama Forest Resources Today 04/20/96
Alabama Master Gardener Program/Plant Physiology Roll 1 of 2
Alabama Master Gardener Program/Plant Physiology Roll 2 of 2
Alabama State 4-H Competition Day 2001
Alabama Yard & Garden/Lunchtime in the Garden Shows 1 & 2
Alabama Yard & Garden/Lunchtime in the Garden Shows 3 & 4
Alabama's Woodland Stewardship Volunteer Program
Alzheimer's: A Practical Guide To Community Resources"
Animal Logging in Alabama
Animal Waste Management in Alabama (Version 2)
Animal Waste Management in Alabama USDA NRCS DEC 1996
Annie Fox Smart Links 1/17/03 Escambia County Middle School
Aquaculture Products Safety Videoconference 6/25/93
Aquaculture Quality Assurance 
Aquaculture Quality Assurance Satellite Videoconference 5/24/94
Arlie Powell - Fruit Trees/ Barbara Struempler - Dietary Guideline (News Packages)
Arthritis: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment
Asthma PSA  :30 and :60 
Asthma Video Part 1
Asthma Video Part 2
AU College of Agriculture Alumni Association Hall of Honor 
AU Presents!
AUFA Workshop 1 of 3 4/26/05
AUFA Workshop 2 of 3 4/26/05
AUFA Workshop 3 of 3 4/26/05
Backyard Composting
Backyard Composting Satellite Videoconference
Baldwin County Master Environmental Educators Making a World of Difference
Baskets for Fun and Profit
Beef Cattle Lecture at Ham Wilson 
Beef Cattle Seminar 
Beef Quality is Every Cattleman's Business Tape 1 of 2 
Beef Quality is Every Cattleman's Business Tape 2 of 2
Ben Gasser: 4-H Egg Preparation Demonstration National Finalist
Best Management Practices for Container Nurseries
Best Management Practices for Golf Courses DUPLICATION MASTER
Best Management Practices for Golf Courses EDITED MASTER
Better Kid Care  A Good Four Letter Word: Play
Better Kid Care  Communication with Children
Better Kid Care  Summertime Fun
Better Kid Care "Changing Spaces"
Better Kid Care "Easy Way to Boost Kid's Brain Power"
Better Kid Care "Eating Times: The Ups And Downs"
Better Kid Care "How to Make and Use Puppets"
Better Kid Care "How to work with Active Children" 
Better Kid Care "Music for the Non-Musical"
Better Kid Care "Pets in Child Care" 
Better Kid Care "See as a Child, Feel as a Child"  
Better Kid Care "Working with Wood: Kids Can Do It"
Better Kid Care: "Cutting the Fat in Children's Diet" 
Better Kid Care: "Exciting Backyard Science Activities" 
Better Kid Care: "Taking a New Look at Dramatic Play" 
Better Kid Care: Hot Topics for Center Directors-Legal Issues
Better Kid Care: Is Block Play Really Important
Better Kid Care: The Art and Science of Playing with Young Children
Better Kid Care: The Ins and Outs of Good Circle Time
Birth to Five Initiative Parenting Examples
BSE and CJD Factors Dr. Jean Weese
BSE Update "Factors that Effect You" Satellite Videoconference
C. Beatty Hanna Center Dedication
Calibrating a Low Pressure Ground Sprayer
Celebrating Alabama's Families
Celebrating Alabama's Families 1994
Celebrating EFNEP
Certified Financial Planner
Challenge of Change
Changing the Course: Eating to Reduce Cancer Risk
Childhood Obesity Factors with Dr. Bob Keith 
Cholesterol 2000:  Eating For Your Heart's Sake
Civil Rights Training
Cleaning Up After Opal…What Now?
Coaching 4-H Wildlife Evaluation Teams 
Commercial Driver's License
Commercial Driver's License: Pre-Trip Inspection of Logging Trucks
Community Forestry
Community Forestry
Company Involvement in Managing Poultry Farm Wastes 
Composting Poultry Carcasses  
Conecuh County Extension Office Program Highlights 2001-2002
Conflict Resolution for Youth
Consumer Care of Poinsettias
Control Facil De Las Hormingas Bravas
Cooking Crawfish
Covington County Outstanding County Forestry Planning Committee 1999
Crawfish Aquaculture
Cutting the fat in Children's Diets
Dairy Judging/Oral Reasons
Dating and Relating - Will Reid
Dead Poultry Composting in Alabama
Demonstration of Boning and Yield of a 1108 lb Utility Cow
Developing Capable People 1 of 3
Developing Capable People 2 of 3
Developing Capable People 3 of 3
Developing Effective and Efficient Extension Programs Using a Systematic Approach 
Disposing of Dead Poultry/Using Mini-Composters 
Do More With Your Horse …. Naturally
Dossier Training
Dr. Barbara Struempler EFNEP New Agent Training
Dr. Bob Keith on the benefits of Calcium, fruits and vegetables in the diet & Dr. Weese on ecoli
Dr. Bob Keith on the Governor's Task Force on Childhood Obesity & Dr. Goodman on WTO Resolution
Drive for Excellence Satellite Videoconference 
Drive for Excellence Workshop Session (Post Videoconference) 6/3/03
DROP - Deferred Retirement Options Plan
Earned Income Credit
Economics of IPM/ Dr. Ron Smith
EEOC Diversity Training Workshop Tape 1 of 5
EEOC Diversity Training Workshop Tape 2 of 5
EEOC Diversity Training Workshop Tape 3 of 5
EEOC Diversity Training Workshop Tape 4 of 5
EEOC Diversity Training Workshop Tape 5 of 5
EFNEP "Cook-It" Lesson
EFNEP 'Forty Years of a Woman's Work'
Environmental Awareness PSA  :30 
Environmental Field Day 2002 Escambia and Conecuh Counties
Environmental Quality & The Professional Logger
Estrus Detection
Extension Open House
Extension Programs - What Is Extension?
Extension Today  12/10/90 (FIRST PROGRAM) to 02/04/98 (FINAL PROGRAM)
Extension: Making The Connection
Fair Labor Standards and Loggers 
Family and Consumer Science Educators PSA's
Family Money Management Center
Family Nutrition TAEX English Program 5-8
Farm Bill 1996
Financial Management Forum
Fire Ant Control In 15 Minutes or Less 
Fire Ant Control Made Easy
Fire Ant Control Made Easy, Fire Ant Control in 10 Minutes or Less, Life of a Fire Ant 
Fire Ant Management 
Fire Ants-Impact on Cattle Production Systems Part 6/16/03 Drees and Bell TCES
First Responders Combat Bioterrorism 
Fish Pond Management
Fish Pond Management (Satellite Videoconference) 
Food Comes From A Farm  
Food In The Fast Lane - "Healthy Eating on the Run"
Food Labeling 
Food Labels: "Reading Between The Lines" 
For Today and Tomorrow…Making the Best Better 
Forest Road Construction  
Forestry Certification Videoconference 
Forestry In Alabama 
Forestry Landowner's Marketing Workshop Compressed Video Seminars Roll 1 of 6
Forestry Landowner's Marketing Workshop Compressed Video Seminars Roll 2 of 6
Forestry Landowner's Marketing Workshop Compressed Video Seminars Roll 3 of 6
Forestry Landowner's Marketing Workshop Compressed Video Seminars Roll 4 of 6
Forestry Landowner's Marketing Workshop Compressed Video Seminars Roll 5 of 6
Forestry Landowner's Marketing Workshop Compressed Video Seminars Roll 6 of 6
Forum On Salary Compensation  by Dr. David Wilson
Fostering Environmental Stewardship
Freezing Foods At Home  (CC-ENGLISH VERSION)
Freezing Foods At Home  (CC-SPANISH VERSION)
From Field to Table Big Game
Fruit Tree Pruning 
Fumigating on-farm Grain Bins with Aluminum Phosphide 
Gangs: What Parents and Communities Should Know 
George & Bessie Mae Scott (Cullman Co. Farm Family of the Year) 
George Washington Carver " A Man to Remember" w/ Tracy Larkin
Getting Kids Moving: Nutrition for Fitness and Sports"
Go For The Goal (Clemson University)
Grafting Pecan & Fruit Trees
Grass Won't Grow Under Trees WTVY Feature w/Dave Williams
Habitat Conservation for Beach Mice
Handwashing 1-2-3 
Handwashing for Food Professionals
Health Reform Choices
Healthy Eating For Kids - 'What Are Our Children Eating?'  
Helping Families Cope with Drought 
Home Appliance Update for Extension Professionals   Tape 1 of 2 
Home Appliance Update for Extension Professionals   Tape 2 of 2 
Home Gardening w/Dave Williams
Home Horticulture Update '94 
Horse and Mule Logging in Alabama
How to Calibrate a Bait Spreader and Red Imported Fire Ant Problems and Solutions for Cattle Production Systems
How To Clean Fish 
How To Sketch If You Can't Draw
How to Use a Phosphine Gas Detector
Impact of Boll Guard Technology& Boll Weevil Eradication Project w/ Dr. Ron Smith
Improving Sanitation Practices In The Food Service Industry
Industrial Waste on Agricultural Lands
Injecting Cattle Properly
Inside/Out:  The Story of Food And Fitness
Intensive Wheat Management
Introduction To Water Quality Testing
Jesse Owens Park
Katrina Relief Video Clips
Kellogg Leadership Forum Follow-Up Videoconference 
Keys to A Successful Healthcare Visit 
Knowledge through Action: 4-H Environmental Stewardship
Lawrence County Extension System Program Highlights 2000
Leadership for Economic Development/1 of 4/"Strategic Planning"
Leadership for Economic Development/2 of 4/"Developing Community Team Leadership"
Leadership for Economic Development/3 of 4/"Development Team Concept"
Leadership for Economic Development/4 of 4/"Conflict Resolution"
Leadership Lee County Class of 2001-2002
Let's Have a 4-H Chicken-Que 
Living Well PSA's
Logger Continuing Education Satellite Videoconference 08/15/02 Roll 1 of 2
Logger Continuing Education Satellite Videoconference 08/15/02 Roll 2 of 2
Logger Continuing Education Satellite Videoconference 5/23/02 Roll 1 of 3
Logger Continuing Education Satellite Videoconference 5/23/02 Roll 2 of 3
Logger Continuing Education Satellite Videoconference 5/23/02 Roll 3 of 3
Logger Continuing Education Satellite Videoconference 8/26/03 Roll 1 of 2 
Logger Continuing Education Satellite Videoconference 8/26/03 Roll 2 of 2 
Longleaf Pine Management Workshop
Looking for Leadership in the Mirror
Low-Cost Forest Regeneration
Lunchtime In The Garden 5/22/98 Disease Prevention and Selection of Flowering Plants
Lunchtime In The Garden w/ Dave Williams and Mary Beth Musgrove Show #2
Lunchtime in the Garden; Alabama Yard and Garden"
Making New Waves: Aquaculture In Maine
Making Our Urban Forests Safer
Making Our Urban Forests Safer (Satellite Videoconference)
Maltreatment and Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting
Managing Stored Grains in the Southeast
Managing Tunnel Ventilation In Poultry Houses
Manual Application of Forestry Pesticides 
Many Faces, One People: A Multi-Cultural Training Guide 
Marengo County 4-H "1998-2001 Program Highlights" 
Master Cattle Producers Training Program
Mentoring for Youth in School and Communities
Menu Planning in 12 Easy Steps
Mom to Be:  "Eating Right for Your Baby"
Mom to Be:  "It's OK to Gain Weight"
Mom to Be:  "Old Wives' Tales for New Mothers"
Montgomery Breast Self-Exam Project REACH 2010
Multiple Use Management for Nonindustrial Private Forest Owners 
Multiple Use Management for Nonindustrial Private Forest Owners (Romanian Version)
National History Day 2000  "George W. Carver: Help for Suffering Humanity" 
National Livestock Grading and Marketing Association 2002 Workshop
National Livestock Grading and Marketing Association 2002 Workshop
National Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resources Conference 
NDPRB Dairy Does A Body Good
NEP Computer Reporting System - Video Training
Newsletter Writing In-Service Training/1 of 3
Newsletter Writing In-Service Training/2 of 3
Newsletter Writing In-Service Training/3 of 3
Nutrition Education Networks
Operation Rejuvenation of the Amazon By the Method of Agricultural Homa Therapy (English Version) 
Outstanding Forestry Planning Committee 1993
Outstanding Forestry Planning Committee 1994
Outstanding Forestry Planning Committee 1995
Outstanding Forestry Planning Committee 1996
Outstanding Forestry Planning Committee 1998
Parenting Videoconference
Partnership With The People 
Partnership With The People (Excerpts from Plenary Sessions) Outreach Forums/Summer 1995 EDITED MASTER
Payroll Changes
Penalty Mail
Pesticide Applicator Safety
Pesticide Applicator Training, Laws, Safety, Application & The Environment
Pesticide Handlers and the Worker Protection Standard
Pesticide Safety Inside The Home 
Pesticide Safety Outside The Home
Pesticides and You - A Primer on Pesticide Handling and Storage
Pike County 4-H Competition Day
Pine Seedlings Planting By Hand (Spanish-Espanol)
Planning and Implementing Community Forestry In Alabama 
Planning Your Timber Harvest
Plant Disease Diagnosis Tape 1of 6
Plant Disease Diagnosis Tape 2 of 6
Plant Disease Diagnosis Tape 3 of 6
Plant Disease Diagnosis Tape 4 of 6
Plant Disease Diagnosis Tape 5 of 6
Plant Disease Diagnosis Tape 6 of 6
Poultry Composting and Nutrient Management in Alabama
Practical Solutions to Odor Problems
Practice Horse Judging: Western Pleasure II
Practice Horse Judging: Western Pleasure IIII
Preparing Portable Scales For Weighing Beef Cattle 
Principles of Parenting - Alternatives to Spanking 
Principles of Parenting Satellite Videoconference
Procedures For Water Quality Management
Professional Logger's Management Course Tape 1 of 2 
Professional Logger's Management Course Tape 2 of 2 
Program Advisory Committee Training Tape 
Providing Culturally Appropriate Health Care Services
Racial Legacies and Learning: How to Talk About Race
Raising Ratites
Raising Ratites in Alabama
Raising Ratites: Alternative Agriculture in Alabama Satellite Videoconference 
Raptors of the Southeastern United States 
Recreational Fish Pond Management - Tape #1 of 2
Recreational Fish Pond Management - Tape #2 of 2
Red Imported Fire ants in Hay Production Systems w/Dr. Bart Drees
Requeening The Bee Colony
Residential Landscape Design
Residential Landscape Design Satellite Videoconference 
Retirement Systems of Alabama (DROP) Deferred Retirement Options Plan
Rural Health Issues & Policy Options 
Rural Health Program
Russell Bermuda grass
Safe Food Handling 
Safety In The Logging Woods - Feller Buncher Operations 
Safety In The Logging Woods - Loader Operations 
Safety In The Logging Woods - Log Land/Log Yard Operation
Safety In The Logging Woods - Operation of Feller Bunchers
Safety In The Logging Woods - Operation of Grapple Skidders 
Safety In The Logging Woods - Operation of Loaders 
Safety In The Logging Woods - Operation of Skidders 
Sand Mountain/ Lake Guntersville HUA  
Science Gal Segments w/Sonya Wood Mahler
Selection and Installation of Landscape Plants
Selling Sweet Sorghum
Senior Citizens Living Healthy Series: "Emotional and Spiritual Fitness"
Sewing Update #1
Sewing Update #2
Sewing Update #3
Shaking, Hitting, and Spanking: What to do Instead
Shiitake Symposium   Tape 1 of 8
Shiitake Symposium   Tape 2 of 8
Shiitake Symposium   Tape 3 of 8
Shiitake Symposium   Tape 4 of 8
Shiitake Symposium   Tape 5 of 8
Shiitake Symposium   Tape 6 of 8
Shiitake Symposium   Tape 7 of 8
Shiitake Symposium   Tape 8 of 8
Small Business Resources Conference
Smart Steps - Auburn (5 Video Vignettes) 
Smart Steps - Purdue (5 Video Vignettes) 
Snakes Alive - Identification and Control of Southeastern Snakes
So This is 4-H Camp!!
So You Want to Raise Ratites
Southeast Alabama Feeder Cattle Marketing Association (S.A.F.E.) 6TH Annual Sale 
Southeast Alabama Trails
Spring Disking & Planting 
Stay Connected - Military Teens (2)x :30 PSA 03/22/01
Stay Connected - Video Series (15) PSA's for TV
Street Trees 
Street Trees 2005
Street Trees Videoconference 1994 
Sustainable Forestry Initiative 2001 (Satellite Videoconference)  1 of 3
Sustainable Forestry Initiative 2001 (Satellite Videoconference)  2 of 3
Sustainable Forestry Initiative 2001 (Satellite Videoconference)  3 of 3
System Human Resources Training 1 of 4
System Human Resources Training 2 of 4
System Human Resources Training 3 of 4
System Human Resources Training 4 of 4
System Logo Unveiling Ceremony 
TAEX (English) 1-4 Family Nutrition
TAEX Family Nutrition Series 1-4 English
TAEX Family Nutrition Series English 9-12 
TAKE ACTION ALABAMA  (3) :30 PSA TV  1. Teens  2. Seniors  3. Kids 
Tax Fraud Prevention
Tax Fraud Prevention Videoconference 
Taxi: An Introductory Video  
Teen Discovery
Teen Voices: Job Etiquette
Teen Voices: Sex and Consequences 12/2/01
Teen Voices: Teen Violence
Temperature Control for Safe Food Handling
TGIF/Teen Pregnancy Prevention Video 
That's A Lot of Beef
The 1999 AWLS Tribute
The 2001 Cullman Farm Family of The Year  EDITED MASTER (Split Audio Tracks)
The 2005 National 4-H Forestry Invitational
The Art and Science of Estrus Detection
The Dixon Legacy  
The Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program Satellite Videoconference 
The Future of Food Preservation: Irradiation
The Healthy Homes Partnership
The Hidden Enemy: Nematodes Damage
The Honorable Larry P. Langford, Mayor, City of Fairfield, AL  Keynote Speaker for Breakfast 12/08/00
The Impact of Entertainment Media Violence on Children and Families 10/08/01
The Impact of Entertainment Media Violence on Children and Families 10/22/01
The Impact of Entertainment Media Violence on Children and Families 11/19/01
The Legacy of Homer Scott Swingle
The New ACES SMP/ETP On-Line Reporting System 
The OSHA Rule for Logging:  What It Means To Loggers Satellite Videoconference
The State of Our Environment Satellite Videoconference 
The Sunlight Project
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative 
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative and its Impact on Loggers 
Thinning The Southern Pine Forest 1990
Today's Extension 1999 
Together We Can!
Tools for Effective Presentation Skills by Dr. Willie Larkin 
Transportation Regulations For Loggers Videoconference  
Tuskegee University Cooperative Extension "Helping People To Help Themselves" 
Understanding Wildlife Management - Let's Look At Hunting  
University of Kentucky Broiler Production Series (4 Shows)
Unwed Pregnancy Among Young Adults
Urban Forestry
Urban Forestry - Making Trees Work For Your Community
Urban Forestry in the US: America's Interest in Urban Forestry Tape 1 of 2
Urban Forestry in the US: America's Interest in Urban Forestry Tape 2 of 2
Using A Traveling Gun To Properly Apply Wastewater Slurry 
Vegetable Garnishing
Venison: From Field to Table
Walk! Alabama (1) :30 PSA 
Walker County Outstanding Forestry Planning Committee
Water Quality - An Issue For Agriculture
Water Quality & Non-Point Source Pollution
Water Quality PSA :30 
Waterfowl for the Future
Welcome to 4-H Camp!
Wellhead Protection (2) :30 PSA's
Wellhead Protection PSA's #1 1. Colbert, 2.Lauderdale, 3.Lawrence, 4.Limestone, 5. Madison
Wellhead Protection PSA's #2 1. Colbert, 2.Lauderdale, 3.Lawrence, 4.Limestone, 5. Madison
Wellhead Protection PSA's (Local Version)
What is Ratite?
When Good Animals Go Bad
When Good Animals Go Bad Videoconference
Where The Sun Rises
Where the Trees Meet the Sea: Forestry Education in Baldwin County 
White-Tailed Deer Management Satellite Videoconference 1991  1 of 2
White-Tailed Deer Management Satellite Videoconference 1991  2 of 2
White-Tailed Deer Management Satellite Videoconference 1992 
White-Tailed Deer Management Satellite Videoconference 1992 
White-Tailed Deer Management Satellite Videoconference 1993
White-Tailed Deer Management Satellite Videoconference 1994
Wildlife Law Enforcement
Win For Your Life
Winning The 4-H Forestry Competition 
Wintertime Broiler House Ventilation For Least Fuel Cost
Woody Plant Identification - Identifying Trees
Woody Plant Identification - Plant Nomenclature
Woody Plant Identification - Shrubs 
Work Place Security
Worker's Compensation For Loggers Satellite Videoconference
Working Together for Healthy Children Part 1 of 2
Working Together for Healthy Children Part 2 of 2
Workplace Security #1 
Workplace Security #2
World Food Day 2004 Videoconference 
Worlds Around Us - Tape 1 of 5 "What's Out There"
Worlds Around Us - Tape 2 of 5  "Gravity"
Worlds Around Us - Tape 3 of 5  "The Inner Planets"
Worlds Around Us - Tape 4 of 5  "The Sun"
Worlds Around Us - Tape 5 of 5  "The Outer Planets"
Your County is our Campus
Your Health System:  As Good As It Needs To Be? 
Zapping The Millennium Bug Satellite Videoconference 
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