Gleditsia triacanthos     
Honey locust   
Fabaceae Family     

Compiled by the Master Gardeners
of the University of Arizona Pima County Cooperative Extension.


Form: spreading, open, rounded-crown tree, single trunk
Seasonality: deciduous
Size: 30-70ft elsewhere, with spread 2/3 height; does not reach maximum height in Tucson
Leaves: bipinnately compound; oval leaflets; golden in fall
Flowers: small clusters, racine of inconspicuous whitish-green flowers
Fruit: dark brown pod, 6-8in long, curled; round seed
Stems/Trunks: grayish brown, smooth when young, more furrowed with age
Range/Origin: central US
Hardiness: well below 32°F

Honey locust
Gleditsia triacanthos on the Pima College campus



better in in Sierra Vista or Nogales than in Tucson
other varieties have thorns
new leaves on var. 'Golden" are naturally yellow (not chlorotic)

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This page was first created August 24, 2001 and last modified February 11, 2006.

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