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Employment Statistics
Occupational Statistics
Quarterly Employment and Wages
Statistical Bulletin
Unemployment Statistics
Workforce Development
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Welcome to the Labor Market Information (LMI) Division. LMI is a primary source for much of the available information about Alabama's employment, unemployment, wages, and much more. ( 2007 Labor Market Information Users Guide).
NEW - November 2008
Unemployment Rates
Unemployment Rate
Unemployment Rate:
New Product!
2008 Occupational Wage Estimates
Employment and Wage Estimates for the State, metropolitan areas and four balance of state regions.
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) quarterly report
.... available in Workforce Development
Commuting Patterns by Region
.... available in Workforce Development
Employment Statistics
Information relating to employment, hours, and earnings estimates for the State of Alabama and employment estimates for the metropolitan areas by detailed industry.
Occupational Statistics
Information relating to the changing workforce in the state. Data include estimated and projected employment with annual average job openings, occupational wages for both the state and metropolitan areas, and a synopsis of information on selected occupations relevant to the state.
Quarterly Employment and Wages
Comprehensive employment and wage data by industry and county and state for workers covered by unemployment insurance laws.
Statistical Bulletin
Information relating to covered employment, unemployment compensation and employment service activities. Data include quarterly and annual covered employment and wages, benefit payments and contributions by industry and county, and applicant and placement data. Select most recent month or historical months.
 Unemployment Statistics
Information relating to the labor force, employment, and unemployment for the State of Alabama, the metropolitan areas, aInformation relating to the labor force, employment, and unemployment for the State of Alabama, the metropolitan areas, and the counties.
Workforce Development - 2008 Alabama State of Workforce Report
Information relating to workforce development and reports published in co-operation with our Workforce Development Unit. Census Local Area Dynamics, LMI Tutorial, and Alabama Labor Supply are just some of the options.
Related Sites Labor Market Questions New Metro Areas Workforce Development Areas Publications

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Alabama Department Of Industrial Relations
649 Monroe Street, Montgomery, Alabama 36131