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ACEEE Forum on Energy Efficiency in Agriculture

Food and Energy from the Ground Up: Efficiency's Role in Sustainable Agriculture

Embassy Suites Hotel • Des Moines, Iowa • Februrary 20–22, 2008

Rich Hackner, Wisconsin Focus on Energy and GDS Associates
Mike Morris, National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)

Thanks to all who participated in this year's Ag Forum!

Check back soon for reflections on the conference and next steps.

Ag Forum Program

*Check out the program for information on topics and speaker presentations

red ballWhat Was the Forum on Energy Efficiency in Agriculture?
When and Where Was the "Ag Forum?"
What Topics Were Covered?

Download the Program

Site Visit Information
Who Funded and Organized the "Ag Forum?"

What Was the Forum on Energy Efficiency in Agriculture?

Downloadable Ag Forum Flyer

In the recent national dialogue about biofuels and other renewable energy opportunities for agriculture, efficiency has been a strangely neglected topic. The usual vision or hope is that agricultural lands will produce enough fuel and electricity to meet future energy demands that continue to expand rapidly.

This conference explored an alternative vision, where increased energy production by agriculture is accompanied by equally significant improvements in energy efficiency throughout our economy. Making these improvements will require rethinking and redesigning many aspects of our interrelated food and energy systems.


In recent years, ACEEE has been active in reinvigorating interest in energy issues in agriculture. We supported the Senate Agriculture Committee in their crafting the energy title (Title IX) of the 2002 Farm Bill, helping to insure that energy efficiency was included. Since the bill's passage, we have worked to provide information on energy efficiency opportunities in the agricultural sector and to identify successful program strategies, becoming a leading source of information the government and the energy efficiency community on energy efficiency in agriculture through our Web site, reports and presentations.

In order to stimulate a dialogue about the role of energy efficiency in agriculture, ACEEE organized the first Forum on Energy Efficiency in Agriculture in November of 2005 in Des Moines, Iowa. In the second "Ag Forum," we continued to plan and to build a more energy-efficient agriculture and food system. The conference included practical information for agricultural producers, food processors, energy providers, consumers, and others who are adapting to new energy realities.

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When and Where Was the "Ag Forum?"

The Forum on Energy Efficiency in Agriculture took place February 20–22, 2008 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 101 E. Locust St., Des Moines, Iowa.

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What Topics Were Covered?

See our Program.

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Site Visit Information

On Wednesday, February 20th a group of 30 participants visited Lincoln Way Energy, LLC, a dry mill ethanol plant, and the Iowa Energy Center's BECON Facility.

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Who Funded and Organized the "Ag Forum?"

The 2nd Ag Forum was organized by the ACEEE Ag Team (Neal Elliott, Sarah Black, and Glee Murray), our indefatigable co-chairs, Rich Hackner, Wisconsin Focus on Energy and GDS Associates and Mike Morris, National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT), as well as a steering committee with representation from our funders, conference speakers and session organizers, and others interested in shaping the direction of the conference.

The planning process for the next Ag Forum will begin soon. If you are interested in participating as a member of the steering committee, please contact us at agforum@aceee.org.

Host Sponsor
Iowa Energy Center

MidAmerican Energy

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Alliant Energy

California Energy Commission
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Southern California Edison

Environmental Power
GDS Associates

National Center For Appropriate Technology
Stoel Rives LLP

If your organization is interested in sponsoring the next Ag Forum, please contact Sarah Black at 202-429-8873.

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Host Sponsor:

iowa energy center



california energy commission logo


For more information, please contact:

R. Neal Elliott, Director, Industry and Agriculture Program
Sarah Black, Agriculture Program Research Staff

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