Peanut Butter Recall

Peanut butter and peanut products have been found to be contaminated with Salmonella and are being recalled. What does this mean?  Read the full article...

Listen to the Salmonella in Peanut Products audio interview with Sam Beattie, ISU food safety specialist.

For more information, go to


  • Article History
    • Revision Date: 1/23/2009

Food Safety Tip of the Day

It's safe to bite when the temperature is right


The only way to know food has been cooked to a safe internal temperature is to use a food thermometer. Fortunately, thermometers are high-tech and easy to use. Research shows that while cooking by "color" is frequently done, it can be misleading. Correct use of the right thermometer provides confidence that foods are adequately cooked, resulting in a safe, delicious meal.

Source: United States Department of Agriculture


Foodborne Pathogen of the Day

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