About the Food Safety Project

Iowa State University Extension believes that resources are needed for consumers, foodservice operators, students and educators to access research-based, unbiased information on food safety and quality. To meet that need, the Food Safety Project web site was developed in 1995 by Iowa State University Extension Specialists from the Departments of Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN), Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management (HRIM), and Veterinary Medicine. The goal of the Food Safety Project is to:

Develop educational materials that give the public the tools they need to minimize their risk of foodborne illness and disseminate food safety information.

The site is maintained by HRIM and FSHN Extension Specialists to provide information food safety information to consumers, foodservice managers and employees, and other site visitors on safe food handling practices. This award-winning site regularly receives 400,000 visitors with more than 1.2 million page views each year.

This site is part of consumer and foodservice outreach activities of Iowa State University Extension. Funds for the creation and maintenance of this site are provided by U.S. Department of Agriculture grants "Food Safety and Quality, Iowa Plan" and Iowa State University Extension.

  • Article History
    • Revision Date: 08/11/2006

Food Safety Tip of the Day

It's safe to bite when the temperature is right


The only way to know food has been cooked to a safe internal temperature is to use a food thermometer. Fortunately, thermometers are high-tech and easy to use. Research shows that while cooking by "color" is frequently done, it can be misleading. Correct use of the right thermometer provides confidence that foods are adequately cooked, resulting in a safe, delicious meal.

Source: United States Department of Agriculture


Foodborne Pathogen of the Day

Food Safety Training Events