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Youth Conservation Corps Program


The Youth Conservation Corps is a summer employment program for young men and women age 15 through 18, from all segments of society, who work, learn, and earn together by doing projects on public land. Since 1970 the Youth Conservation Corps program has operated as a work-earn-learn program for youth. as provided for in Public Law 91-378, 1970, as amended. The program is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service, U. S. Department of Interior's Fish and Wildlife and National Park Service.

The purpose of the Youth Conservation Corps program is to further the development and maintenance of the natural resources of the United States by America's youth, and in so doing to prepare them for the ultimate responsibility of maintaining and managing these resources for the American people.

  • Accomplish needed conservation work on public lands.
  • Provide gainful employment for 15 through 18 year old males and females from all social, economic, ethnic, and racial classifications.
  • Develop an understanding and appreciation in participating youth of the Nation's natural environment and heritage.

Youth are provided an opportunity to increase their self-esteem and learn self-discipline. They learn work ethics and relate with peers and supervisors, and build lasting cultural bridges between youth from various social, economic, ethnic, and racial backgrounds.

Work projects last approximately eight weeks.

Who is eligible?

Applicants must be citizens of the United States and must be 15 years of age by June 1, and not over 19 years of age by August 30 of that year. The program is open to 15 through 18 year-old male and females from all social, economic, ethnic, and racial classifications.

What are the benefits?

Applicants selected are paid the prevailing Federal or State minimum wage - whichever is higher. Youth develop an appreciation of the nation's natural environment and heritage from their environmental and work experience.

How do I apply?

Complete and mail in two forms (application & medical): 

  • the Youth Conservation Corps Application Form 
    • .doc (click here to download -- 209kb)
    • pdficons.gif (153 bytes)(click here to download -- 24kb)
  • the Youth Conservation Corps Medical Form 
    • .doc (click here to download -- 69kb)
    • pdficons.gif (153 bytes)(click here to download -- 22kb)

Both forms must be submitted by April 15.  For the mailing address of a particular Forest Service office, please consult the Forest Service Directory.


US Forest Service
Last modified June 24, 2008

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.