
What is Yersinia enterocolitica?

Yersinia enterocolitica can be found in meats, oysters, fish, and raw milk. The exact cause of the food contamination is unknown. However, poor sanitation practices by food handlers, including improper storage, can contribute to contamination. CDC estimates that about 17,000 cases occur annually in the USA. It is a far more common disease in Northern Europe, Scandinavia, and Japan.

The major "complication" is the performance of unnecessary appendectomies, since one of the main symptoms of infection is abdominal pain of the lower right quadrant.

More Information on Yersinia enterocolitica:

  • Yersinia enterocolitica - U S Food & Drug Administration - Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins 1992 (Bad Bug Book) 
  • Yerisinia enterocolitica - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • National Live Stock and Meat Board

    Food Safety Project Director

    Catherine H. Strohbehn, PhD, RD, CFSP
    HRIM Extension Specialist
    Adjunct Associate Professor
    Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management
    Iowa State University
    Ames, Iowa, 50011-1121 USA

    Consumer and Processing Food Safety and Science

    Sam Beattie, PhD
    Food Safety Extension Specialist
    Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
    Iowa State University Extension
    122A MacKay Hall
    Ames, Iowa, 50011-1121 USA

  • Article History
    • Revision Date: 8/16/2006

Food Safety Tip of the Day

It's safe to bite when the temperature is right


The only way to know food has been cooked to a safe internal temperature is to use a food thermometer. Fortunately, thermometers are high-tech and easy to use. Research shows that while cooking by "color" is frequently done, it can be misleading. Correct use of the right thermometer provides confidence that foods are adequately cooked, resulting in a safe, delicious meal.

Source: United States Department of Agriculture


Foodborne Pathogen of the Day

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