U.S. Food and Drug Administration

FDA Consumer Magazine

Volume 40, Number 4 | July-August 2006

cover art shows elderly hands holding a bottle of pills


A message from the editor of FDA Consumer.

The latest information on FDA-related issues, gathered from FDA news releases and other sources.

Investigators' Reports
Selected cases illustrating regulatory and administrative actions--such as inspections, recalls, seizures, and court proceedings--by FDA's regional and district offices across the country.

FDA Consumer Quiz
Test your knowledge about the topics in this issue.


Cover Story
Medication Use and Older Adults
Older adults, their family members, and caregivers can partner with health professionals to improve medication management.

Getting Ready for Another Flu Season
More vaccine should be available for the 2006-2007 season, and experts have prepared new recommendations for who should get flu shots.

A Focus on Vision
Surgical developments and advances in corrective eyewear provide many options for improving vision.

Some Cold Medicines Move Behind Counter
Find out why you may have to show your ID to a pharmacist to buy over-the-counter decongestants.

Artificial Sweeteners: No Calories … Sweet!
Here's a tasty look at the artificial sweeteners approved by the FDA.

The FDA Approves New Drug for Smoking Cessation
Chantix acts at sites in the brain affected by nicotine.

Protecting the Public Health: More Than a Full-Time Job for Many at the FDA
From doing dental work in El Salvador in 90-degree heat to tracking missing persons in Maryland on horseback, FDA employees continue to make a difference outside of their regular workdays.

FDA Consumer is the official magazine of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Text in the articles in FDA Consumer may be republished without permission. Credit to FDA Consumer as the source is appreciated.
