What's New

Urban Drought Workshops
The Water Education Foundation and the Association of California Water Agencies are cosponsoring two workshops to help urban water managers as they deal with drought-related cutbacks and the need to implement local water conservation/rationing programs.

The “Managing the Crisis: Essential Tools for Urban Water Managers,” workshops will be held April 16 in San Francisco and April 23 in Irvine. Registration for each is $195, including lunch and materials.

Workshop topics include:

  • The Latest on California’s Water Supply
  • Legal Issues Related to Drought Declarations and Proposition 218
  • Water Rates and Equity Issues
  • And a “Lessons Learned” Agency Roundtable Discussion

The April 16 workshop will be held at the San Francisco Airport Marriott in Burlingame. On-site registration begins at 8 a.m.; opening remarks at 8:30 a.m. The workshop will adjourn at 4 p.m.

The April 23 workshop will be held at the Irvine Marriott. On-site registration begins at 8 a.m.; opening remarks at 8:30 a.m. The workshop will adjourn at 4 p.m.

Click here for more information or call the Foundation, 916-444-6240, for more information.

Central Valley Tour Signups
Signups are underway for the Foundation’s April 15-17 Central Valley Water Tour, which focuses on San Joaquin Valley water issues. This fast-paced, three-day, two-night tour begins in Bakersfield and travels up the east side of the valley, including the San Joaquin River. The route then turns south and participants travel down the west side of the valley back to Bakersfield.

Speakers will address a long list of current issues including, growth, farmland preservation, water supply, groundwater use, salinity and agricultural drainage, flood management, and San Joaquin River restoration activities. Stops include the Kern River, Kern Water Bank, Terminus Dam and Lake Kaweah, the Kings River, Friant Dam, the San Joaquin River, San Luis Reservoir, Westlands Water District and the Tulare Lake Basin.

This is a one-bus tour, and seating is limited. Click here http://www.watereducation.org/toursdetail.asp?id=826 for more information and to register for the tour.
Binational Drought Science Conference
Drought in the U.S.-Mexico border area will be the focus of a March 26-27 Border Governors Conference Water Work Table Binational Drought Science Conference.

Sponsored by the California Department of Water Resources and cosponsored by the Foundation, this 1-1/2 day conference will bring together representatives from the U.S.-Mexican border states, federal officials, local water agencies and academia. This bilingual conference will feature simultaneous Spanish-English translation and carries out the joint declaration of the 2008 U.S.-Mexico Border Governors Conference.

The conference will be held at the Hilton San Diego Mission Valley Hotel. Registration is $200. Click here for more information and to register for the conference. Click here for more information and to register for the conference http://www.watereducation.org/doc.asp?id=1187

Executive Briefing Set for March 12-13
On March 12-13, the Foundation will hold its annual 1-1/2 day Executive Briefing, “Water 2009: Building on Change,” at the Doubletree Hotel in Sacramento. Topics to be discussed include: The Delta; getting by with less water; stormwater regulations; stretching Colorado River supplies; an insider's view of the Obama administration; and updates on the “state of the state's water” by legislative and administration leaders.

Registration for both days: $250 for Foundation major contributors ($100 or more annual contribution); $300 for non-contributors. Thursday-only: $175 for major contributors; $200 for non-contributors.

The fee includes background materials, and lunch and a hosted reception on March 12.

A silent auction to benefit the Foundation's Water Leaders Class will be conducted at the briefing. Come prepared to bid on some fabulous items! Click here for more information http://www.watereducation.org/doc.asp?id=850&parentID=849 or call the Foundation, 916-444-6240.