USDA Economic Research Service Briefing Room
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Japan, with a population of about 125 million, is a major importer of agricultural products. Japan's mountainous topography limits the total area available for farming, and the farm area is divided into holdings that are too small to produce most foods efficiently in a modern, urban economy. Japan protects key sectors of its agricultural production with tariffs, which have contributed to high food costs in Japan. Despite the protection, Japan imports over $30 billion in agricultural products each year, one-third from the United States, the leading supplier of Japan's agricultural imports. Japan is one of the largest export markets for U.S. agriculture. ERS analyzes important aspects of Japan's food and agricultural sectors and the policies that affect Japan's role in world agricultural trade.


The Japanese Market for Oranges (March 2008) reviews the trade, production, and consumption of oranges in Japan, which is one of the largest markets for U.S. orange exports. Consumption and trade peaked in the mid-1990s. Declining Orange Consumption in Japan: Generational Changes or Something Else? (February 2009) presents research findings about demographic and economic changes that might explain why consumption has fallen off in the past 15 years.

Resolution of the U.S.-Japan Apple Dispute: New Opportunities for Trade (October 2005) examines the expected impact of Japan's new phytosanitary protocol for imports of U.S. apples that complies with the recent World Trade Organization ruling. With the elimination of the restrictive fire-blight protocol, U.S. producers have a new opportunity to export apples to a high-quality export market, at a significantly lower cost than before.

Japan's agricultural policies and their effects are the object of an ongoing study by ERS and the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service's Tokyo office. The ERS outlook series includes articles written as part of the project on policies specific to certain commodities in Japan, such as rice, wheat and barley, dairy, pork, oilseeds, vegetables, and sweeteners. Additional articles are planned on policies affecting beef, fruits, and feedstuffs.


For more information, contact: John Dyck

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Updated date: February 5, 2009