Entry bubble An Open Letter to Punxsutawney Phil (THE Groundhog)

By: Colleen | February 04, 2009 | Category: Fun

Dear Mr. Phil from Punxsutawney,phil

I'd like to commend you for all your years of season-predicting service. I often wonder what it must be like to be the most famous groundhog in the world. While it seems that you have a pretty cushy set-up in that den of yours, it has to be a bit unnerving to be yanked from one's cozy bed in the frigid early morning hours of every February 2nd.

While your service record is impressive, I can't help but notice a consistent pattern when reviewing your performance. You tend to always see your shadow and retreat back into your comfortable abode, thus leaving us common-folk with yet another six more weeks of winter.

Perhaps it should be brought to your attention that your anxiety about your shadow has dismal consequences for those of us who must leave our cozy beds EVERY frigid early morning, and not just on the second day of February.

Have you considered counseling? I have a somewhat unreasonable disdain for grocery stores, so I sympathize with your apprehension when confronted with your shadow. However, my fear doesn't have the same consequences as yours - think of all those other who are, quite frankly, dreading another six weeks of winter. Surely something can be done to ease your fears. Our new President has asked us as a nation to help each other. So, on behalf of millions of shivering Americans, please let me know of any way which I can be of service, or aid in your plight. I would never suggest you had adopted this behavior as the easiest means to return to slumber in your hollow. I just want to volunteer to help.

We'll all be rooting for your next February 2nd - you can do it! Don't let the shadow get the best of you!

With respect and optomism for a shorter winter in 2010,



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Entry bubble Don’t Panic – Manage Your Holiday Anxiety

By: Joanne | December 11, 2007 | Category: Health

Hi, I’m Joanne and I’m the new Tuesday blogger. Since we’re just getting acquainted, you should know that everyone thinks that I’m calm, cool and collected at all times, but the truth is that I’m not always feeling that way on the inside.image of a woman juggling a portfolio, dinner, baby, cell phone, and a PDA

The 16 ton weight of holiday anxiety fell on me yesterday. December comes and suddenly I realize that the dates on the calendar are closer than they appear! My mind becomes unfocused and races between thoughts of the gifts, the decorations, the cleaning, the tree, the cookies and preparing Christmas dinner for 14 people! My muscles tighten, my breathing becomes shallow and suddenly I’m frozen like a deer in headlights. Serenity now

Every year I swear I’m going to have everything done way in advance next year. Of course I never do.

This year I’ve got a new strategy. I will accept and embrace that Christmas is rolling down the track like a freight train, bringing with it a “to do” list that’s longer than 12 elves laid end to end. I won’t try to control the external factors, but I will work on how I react to them.  I’m no stranger to anxiety – we go way back. Anxiety has made me sick a number of times in my past, and so I’m pretty aware when I’m starting to have a problem and I’ve had a lot of experience in managing anxiety. There’s a lot you can do to help yourself when you’re having an anxiety problem. I’ve tried medication, biofeedback, yoga, conscious relaxation, meditation, and exercise. I prefer to avoid the medications if I can, and I’ve found that if I give it a little effort I don’t need them.

Managing my anxiety is my old year’s resolution and it starts now. My strategy is threefold. Every day I try to get enough rest, practice morning yoga and relaxation, and  ride my bike for at least a half hour. To be truthful, I think the biking does me the most good, but I crave the am yoga and relaxation like chocolate. How could it be bad when it feels so good?

So far the plan is working and as Christmas approaches I feel like I’m rolling smoothly through the month. As a working mother of 2 small girls, I’m always looking for other ideas to relieve anxiety. What works for you? I just might want to try it some day soon. I wish us all calm and peace this holiday season.

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