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Song: Awesiiyag (Animals)

N’doo waabma ina Mkwa? Mkwa?
N’doo waabma ina Mkwa? Mkwa?
Enh doo waabma waa Mkwa, Mkwa.
Naabin oodi! Naabin oodi!

N’doo noondaw ina Mkwa? Mkwa?
N’doo noondaw ina Mkwa? Mkwa?
Enh doo noondaw waa Mkwa, Mkwa.
Naabin oodi! Naabin oodi!

Kaa gjibhabwe Kaa gjibhabwe
Giishpin waabmaad Mkwa Mkwa
Kaa gjibhabwe Kaa gjibhabwe
Giishpin noondwaad Mkwa Mkwa

English Translation

Do you see a Bear? A Bear?
Do you see a Bear? A Bear?
Yes, I see a Bear, Bear.
Look over there. Look over there.

Do you hear a Bear? A Bear?
Do you hear a Bear? A Bear?
Yes, I hear a Bear, Bear.
Look over there. Look over there.

Run away! Run away!
If you see a Bear, Bear.
Run away! Run away!
If you hear a Bear, Bear.

Sing along with the song, but replace the animal (mkwa) with the animals listed below

A-mik, A-mik (Beaver)

Waa-booz, Waa-booz (Rabbit)

Zhii-shiib, Zhii-shiib (Duck)

Jit-amo, Jit-amo (Squirrel)

Es-ban, Es-ban (Raccoon)

Waa-gosh, Waa-gosh (Fox)

Copyright © 1998 - 2009 the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan. All rights reserved.