Global Warming

There is no remaining scientific debate: humans are causing global warming and it is past time that we do something about it.

Defenders supports a national strategy for combating global warming which consists of two parts.

  • First, we must take immediate steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to address the root cause of climate change.
  • Second, we must also craft responses and mechanisms now to help wildlife navigate the looming bottleneck of complex threats caused by global warming.

Wildlife and Ecosystems in a Warming World

Beyond Cutting Emissions

Our new report, Beyond Cutting Emissions Protecting Wildlife and Ecosystems in a Warming World, addresses the urgent need to make wildlife and natural resources more resilient to global warming.

It provides a roadmap for how the next administration can help America’s wildlife and ecosystems survive the impacts of global warming.

What is Global Warming?
The issue of global warming can seem overwhelming and complex, but the scientific explanation for the phenomenon is relatively simple.

Causes and Impacts of Global Warming
Find out how global warming occurs and what this man-made problem is doing to our world.

Real-life steps that you, your hometown, America and the world can take to curb global warming.

Wildlife and Global Warming
Global warming is one of the gravest threats facing wildlife today. Plants and animals are in real danger of falling victim because their habitat is changing too rapidly for them to keep up.

Wildlife Refuges and Global Warming
Global warming is the single greatest threat imperiling the National Wildlife Refuge system as a whole.

Public Service Announcements
Get the facts and do your part to save today's wildlife for tomorrow's generations.

Publications about global warming and climate change with a special focus on the impact on wildlife and habitat.