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  Shared Schema Components Usage Guide Printer friendly page

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Abstract: This document introduces the Exchange Network Shared Schema Components (SSC) to environmental program managers and technical staff. It illustrates the benefits of using sharable schema components based on approved data standards as an alternative to XML schema developed without such standards. In addition, it provides detailed guidance to XML schema developers on how they can incorporate the SSCs into their XML schema. You can also download copies of the example customizations of the shared schema components referenced in the document.

Current Version: 2.0

Last Revised Date: May 16, 2006

Previous Versions: Shared Schema Components Usage Guide v1.0

Related Network Alerts: May 30, 2006

Related NOB Decision Memoranda: 2005-02: Shared Schema Component Usage

Related Documents:

Shared Schema Components
Shared Schema Components Technical Reference
Exchange Network Core Reference Model
Exchange Design Guidance and Best Practices




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