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  development assistance

The Network Operations Board (NOB) manages and coordinates the day-to-day functioning of the Exchange Network. One of NOB’s major roles is to identify and resolve any problems Network participants may face. The NOB also ensures that guidance on Exchange Network participation is complete and current.

The NOB is currently involved in a pilot program to provide free technical assistance for Network Partners developing new Exchange Network schemas and related exchange documentation.

During this pilot, the NOB will arrange for contractors to give developers a short technical review of their draft schema. This support will take advantage of both implementation experience and current Exchange Network guidance. The review is to help developers identify and resolve design problems as early as possible. These may include problems developers may have conforming to current data standards and schema development design rules and conventions. The NOB recommends that anyone developing a new Exchange Network schema, or preparing a major upgrade to an existing schema, contact them for guidance and technical assistance.

To request development assistance or further information, please contact one of the Network Operations Board co-chairs.

Andy Battin
U.S. EPA Office of Environmental Information

Roy Walker
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality

The co-chairs will consider each request individually and decide what type and amount of technical assistance the developer requires.






© 2009 Network Operations Board
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Last updated: January 6, 2009