US Climate Change Science Program Updated August 2008

Overview of CCSP Budget




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Additional details on the program's budget are available.


See also CCSP Annual Report to Congress: Our Changing Planet (CCSP-8) Updated August 2008















The Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) integrates federally supported research on global change and climate change, as sponsored by 13 U.S. Government departments and agencies.The CCSP incorporates and integrates the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) with the Administration’s U.S. Climate Change Research Initiative (CCRI). CCSP budget requests are coordinated through interagency research working groups and other mechanisms, but ultimate budget accountability resides with the participating departments and agencies. As a result of its interagency composition, activities of CCSP participating agencies are funded by Congress through nine of the 13 annual Appropriations bills.

Setting Budget and Program Priorities

The CCSP uses a problem-driven rather than a disciplinary approach in setting priorities and sequencing investments, identifying for early action and support those projects and activities that meet the following agreed-upon criteria:

  • Scientific or technical quality: The proposed work must be scientifically rigorous as determined by peer review. Implementation plans will include periodic review by external advisory groups (both researchers and users).
  • Relevance to characterizing uncertainties and improving decision support tools in priority areas: Programs must substantially address one or more of the CCSP goals. Programs must respond to needs for scientific information and enhance informed discussion by all relevant stakeholders.
  • Track record of consistently good past performance and identified metrics for evaluating future progress: Programs addressing priorities with good track records of past performance will be favored for continued investment to the extent that time tables and metrics for evaluating future progress are provided. Proposed programs that identify clear milestones for periodic assessment and documentation of progress will be favorably considered for new investment.
  • Cost and value: Research should address CCSP goals in a cost-effective way. Research should also be coordinated with and leverage other national and international efforts. Programs that provide value-added products to improve decision support resources will be favored.

The potential scope of climate change research, observations, and scientific synthesis is so large that the CCSP must clearly identify the highest priority activities for support.

The research priorities of the CCSP are reviewed on an annual cycle through the budget process and reflect priority needs and scientific opportunities.While the CCSP Strategic Plan includes a decade-long strategy, it also establishes priorities for the near term consistent with the CCRI. These priorities are reflected in a focusing of resources and enhanced interagency coordination of ongoing and planned research that can best address major gaps in understanding of climate change. The CCSP Strategic Plan provides additional information on these priorities.

CCSP FY 2005 - FY 2009
Budget Table By Agency

This fact sheet was generated by the Climate Change Science Program Office in collaboration with an interagency working group composed of representatives of the 13 Federal agencies participating in the U.S. Global Change Research Program.


Our Changing Planet 2009
The U.S. Climate Change Science Program for Fiscal Year 2009.
A Report by the Climate Change Science Program and The Subcommittee on Global Change Research A Supplement to the President's Fiscal Year 2009 Budget posted online.

See also:

FY09 OCP Overview

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FY09 Budget Overview

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