Wildlife Volunteer Corps

Connecting the Dots in Conservation

Volunteers showing their strength!Defenders’ Wildlife Volunteer Corps gives wildlife a helping hand by connecting people with fun volunteer opportunities. The volunteers work on unique projects to protect, monitor and recover endangered and imperiled wildlife and the habitats and ecosystems they need to survive.  

Our volunteers have a great time, meet like-minded folks in their community and sometimes even have the chance to contribute to the science of protecting endangered and imperiled species.  

Don't take it from us. Hear what one of our volunteers has to say.

"Thank you for hosting the invasive-species clean up in Shenandoah National Park. We went on a really long hike afterwards and had a fabulous time. I will certainly volunteer again!"
Olivia B., Alexandria, VA

With habitat and species disappearing at an alarming rate, there’s never been a better time to take action to conserve our nation’s great wildlife heritage.

Join the Wildlife Volunteer Corps Now!

Past Projects

From restoring vital habitat for endangered New England cottontails in Maine to monitoring the progress of recently released black-footed ferrets in Utah and Colorado, the Wildlife Volunteer Corps is making a difference all around the country.

Learn more about our past projects.

Suggest a Project

Defenders works with state and national agencies, land trusts and other strategic partners to host volunteer projects that make a real difference for wildlife.

Learn more about suggesting projects.