Career & technical education

Educating Alaskans for Alaska's jobs is a vital part of UAF's mission. Alaska's economy is growing and there are exciting opportunities in a wide array of fields including health care and nursing, process technology, applied business and entrepreneurship, construction management, information technology specialist and many more. Alaska's workforce is also becoming "grayer"--many now in the workforce will retire in the next decade. This opens up terrific opportunities for younger workers and also creates new pathways for those embarking on second careers.

Career and technical education is key to creating Alaska's future workforce. Through the College of Rural and Community Development and Tanana Valley Campus, UAF offers more than 50 certificate and associate degree programs to students here in Interior Alaska as well as around the state.

In addition to certificate and degree programs the Tanana Valley Campus in Fairbanks offers a number of career academies that allow students to obtain job training without pursuing a degree. Our professional development program and Small Business Development Center both provide half-day and one-day seminars for the business community.

College of Rural and Community Development

Tanana Valley Campus - Fairbanks/North Pole/Delta Junction

University of Alaska Fairbanks

University of Alaska (statewide)

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