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The mission of NDIC is to provide strategic drug-related intelligence, document and computer exploitation support, and training assistance

to the drug control, public health, law enforcement, and intelligence communities of the United States

in order to reduce the adverse effects of drug trafficking, drug abuse, and other drug-related criminal activity.

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Press Release - August 29, 2005

For Immediate Release

Monday, August 29, 2005

Printable Copy (pdf)

Contact: Charles Miller
(814) 532-4609

Department of Justice Installs New Director at the National Drug Intelligence Center

Johnstown, PA – Mr. Michael F. Walther, a career federal drug prosecutor, has been appointed today as the Director of the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), a component of the Department of Justice, located on Washington Street in Johnstown, PA. As NDIC Director, Mr. Walther oversees the production of strategic drug intelligence for the counterdrug community.

Mr. Walther was formally sworn in as the 4th permanent Director since the Center's inception in 1993 by Dr. Paul Corts, Assistant Attorney General for Administration, U.S. Department of Justice, in a commemorative ceremony with employees at the Center. Mr. Stuart Nash, Associate Deputy Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, also participated in the ceremony.  Colonel John Hugya, USMC (Ret), Chief of Staff for Congressman John P. Murtha, represented the Congressman.

Dr. Corts also acknowledged the work of Acting Director Martin W. Pracht, who took the helm of NDIC 14 months ago on an interim basis until a new Director was found. Mr. Pracht finished his tenure with NDIC upon Mr. Walther's appointment today. Dr. Corts indicated that during this transition period for NDIC, Mr. Pracht tirelessly oversaw the work of the center and served steadfastly to maintain NDIC's intelligence production capacity.

Mr. Walther comes to NDIC after serving as the Acting Chief of the Department of Justice Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section in Washington, DC. In that capacity, he supervised senior Department of Justice trial attorneys engaged in the investigation, coordination and prosecution of major domestic and international narcotics trafficking organizations.

As Mr. Nash introduced Mr. Walther to the employees of NDIC, Mr. Nash commented on the many qualifications that Mr. Walther brings to his new position, including his experience with managing narcotic investigations, his work with the Special Operations Division of the Department of Justice, and his role on the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force while serving as Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana (New Orleans) from 1995-1999, where he successfully prosecuted a series of high-profile cases targeting violent, drug trafficking organizations. Mr. Walther also distinguished himself as a commissioned officer and judge advocate in the U.S. Air Force where he served as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia from 1990-1991.

Mr. Walther stated in remarks to the NDIC staff that he looks forward to the Center continuing to serve as a source for the latest strategic intelligence about criminal trends around the country and making a valuable contribution to support our nation's efforts to counter the scourge of narcotics trafficking and abuse. Mr. Walther also commented that he and his family look forward to becoming a part of the Johnstown community.

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