Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Your Money

Treasury Begins to Release Details of Loan Plan

The Obama administration provided details on its program to help struggling homeowners reduce their payments.

Looking for a Mortgage? Check Out the F.H.A.’s Rules

A primer on how to qualify for a mortgage backed by the Federal Housing Administration.

Economic Scene

Job Losses Show Breadth of Recession

Every state, except a band stretching from the Dakotas to Texas, is shedding jobs at a rapid pace.

You’re Dead? That Won’t Stop the Debt Collector

Next of kin usually have no obligation to assume debts owed by the deceased, but collectors may still call.

DealBook Blog

For Friends of Madoff, the Pain Was Personal

From Aspen to Palm Beach to New York, Bernard L. Madoff’s investment fraud left a trail of victims reeling from their financial losses and, often, a deep sense of personal betrayal.

Steep Market Drops Highlight Despair Over Rescue Efforts

The Dow’s fall below 7,000 for the first time since 1997 follows a huge loss by A.I.G.

Economix Blog

Stocks Finally Start Looking Affordable

Relative to long-term corporate profits, the stock market is now 30 percent below its historical average.

Forced From Executive Pay to Hourly Wage

Mark Cooper’s tumble from security manager to janitor is one of the often hidden consequences of the downturn.

Patient Money

Advice to the Jobless on Getting Health Coverage

Even if you can’t afford the insurance your job once provided, you may still have options to guard against medical bills.

  • Understanding Insurance Options
  • More Articles in This Series »
More in Your Money
Your Money

Braced for a Higher Tax Bill, Some May Dodge the Bullet

Those with incomes of $200,000 to $400,000 may not see as much of a tax increase under the president’s budget as they may have feared.

How to Rebalance Without Diving Into Stocks

Some investors may not have the stomach to buy more stocks. Corporate bonds are one alternative.


Mortgage Insurance: Harder to Get

With losses mounting within the mortgage-insurance industry, some applicants for mortgage insurance are being turned away, while others will have to pay higher premiums.

Rethinking College Prep Costs in Tough Times

Campus visits, private counselors and SAT tutoring can add up to a fortune. What gives a student a leg up and what’s overkill?

Big Changes on the Way in Lending to Students

The Obama administration outlined a vast overhaul of financial aid programs for college students, one that would end years of federal support to banks and other lenders.

Wealth & Personal Finance Special Section
Your Money

Rules for the New Reality

In the economic downturn, financial advisers have been taken to task. But what, exactly, does your wealth manager owe you? And what can you never reasonably expect?

  • Video: What a Financial Planner Can Do for You

Lives, Interrupted: The New Austerity

For many, the economy’s decline is a forced personal finance epiphany, a time to adjust to living on less.

You’ve Sold Your Stocks. Now What?

Some were lucky enough to get out before the bust. But getting back in at the right time is just as important.

Study Estate Plans Before Laws Shift

With a new estate tax law likely by the end of 2009, taking a wait-and-see approach could be a mistake.

Calculate Your Financial Comeback

See how long it could take for your portfolio to return to its peak value.

Is It Better to Buy or Rent?

Compare the cost of renting and buying equivalent homes.

Your Money Contributors

Ron Lieber

writes the Your Money column, which appears in The Times on Saturdays.

Tara Siegel Bernard

is a personal finance reporter with The Times.

Paul Sullivan

writes Wealth Matters, a column looking at strategies that the wealthy use to manage their money and their overall well-being.

The Conversation

Let Them Eat a Little Bit of Cake

In these troubled times, is it better to spend or save?

What a Financial Planner Can Do for You

The first of a series with Ron Lieber, the Your Money columnist for The Times, about simple tips you can take to improve your financial standing.

Special Section
Wealth and Personal Finance

What to expect from financial planners, how to avoid investment cons, the new tax code and more.

Special Section
Your Taxes

Expanded tax breaks to the less wealthy, interactive forms and tax tips.

High Net Worth

Helping you keep up with the latest developments in financial services and products aimed at the wealthy.


News and features that can help you evaluate the charities, nonprofits, universities and others that make regular appeals to donors.

Your Money Podcast


Ron Lieber and Tim Race, the business health care editor at the Times, discuss Patient Money, a new column offering advice on handling the consumer pocketbook issues of health care.

Real Estate

Bob Tedeschi

writes the weekly Mortgages column for the Sunday Real Estate section.

Interactive Graphic: Home Prices in Selected Cities

The Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller 20-city housing index fell by a record 18.6 percent from December 2007, the largest decline since its inception in 2000.