build a new data exchange

This section contains information to help Network partners develop new or revised data exchanges for use on the Exchange Network. Read on to learn more about building a new data exchange or consult the Getting Started Guide for a quick overview of the basics.

A data exchange, or flow, takes place between or among two or more partners. Exchanges are typically of information about particular environmental interests, such as surface water quality or air quality.

Exchange Network partners may have a business need not currently met by any existing data exchange. In creating a new data exchange, partners must specify what data they wish to exchange and with whom; make sure that it is a new exchange; and develop XML schemas and related resources and documentation.

The library of documents listed below will help developers learn more about the components of a data exchange. It also includes “Exchange Design Guidance and Best Practices,” a paper describing some best practices for developing exchanges that conform to Network standards and design rules. If you are planning to update or revise the components of an existing data exchange, you should read the document entitled Change Management Principles, Rules, and Procedures. This document outlines procedures for version control and required actions for communicating changes on the Network in a way that is efficient and transparent to all partners.

The items in the menu to the right provide more details on how to use these resources together to create a data exchange that is fully functional and documented.

Document Date Version
Getting Started Guide - Building a New Exchange November 6, 2007 N/A
Change Management Principles, Rules, and Procedures December 1, 2006 1.0
Exchange Design Guidance and Best Practices August 3, 2006 1.2
Flow Documentation Checklist December 5, 2007 2.0
Flow Configuration Document Template October 30, 2008 2.0
DET Template June 27, 2006 1.0
Trading Partner Agreement Procedure December 5, 2007 1.0
Trading Partner Agreements: Analysis & Best Practices May 14, 2004 N/A
XML Schema Design Rules and Conventions (DRCs) April 6, 2006 1.1
Namespace Organization, Naming, and Schema File Location March 6, 2006 1.11
Exchange Network Header July 9, 2008 2.0
Schematron Validation and Guidance July 20, 2007 1.0
XML Schema Architecture Report July 8, 2004 N/A
Hierarchical vs. Relational XML Schema Designs June 2006 N/A
Shared Schema Components (ZIP File) May 16, 2006 2.0
Shared Schema Components Usage Guide May 16, 2006 2.0
Shared Schema Components Technical Reference May 16, 2006 2.0
Exchange Network Core Reference Model September 11, 2005 2.0
Schema Conformance Report Preparation and Review Process June 22, 2006 2.0





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