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  node 1.1

Please note that the following information pertains to version 1.1 of the Node Functional Specification. The Network Technology Group (NTG) released version 2.0 of the Node Functional Specification on June 2, 2008. If you are consdering implementing your first Exchange Network Node, please contact one of the NTG co-chairs listed below. Click here for additional information on Node 2.0.

Glen Carr
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
(503) 229-5062

Connie Dwyer
U.S. EPA Office of Environmental Information
(202) 566-1691

node 1.1 development resources

Links to the Node 1.1 Functional Specification and Exchange Protocol are available in the table below along with some additional guidance materials.

Document Date Version
Network Node Functional Specifications September 2003 1.1
Network Node Protocol Document September 2003 1.1
Get Services Schema Final Draft Awaiting Approval by NTG 2.0 draft 3
30 Minute Guide to Developing and Implementing a Network Node* March 8, 2005 1.1
Node Implementation Guide* April 25, 2003 1.0
Network Security Guidelines and Recommendations April 16, 2003 1.1
Schematron Validation and Guidance July 20, 2007 1.0
Secure Authentication Key Recommendations April 26, 2006 1.0

* Note that this document should be used only for background reference, as much of the information has been superseded by other guidance.

node 1.1 node configurations

Many Exchange Network partners have developed and successfully deployed several Node and client configurations. A number of these Demonstrated Node Configurations (DNCs) are freely available for download on this page. All Node builders are strongly encouraged to take advantage of these DNCs because they are proven solutions that will help you further your progress and cost savings.

The available DNCs are categorized by the environment in which they were deployed. The executable files will allow Node builders with similar platforms to quickly deploy their Nodes and save significant costs. The accompanying documentation describes the implementation process.

These DNCs are compatible with v1.1 Node Specification and Protocol.

Java-based Apache Axis 1.1
Can be used with BEA Weblogic, IBM Websphere, Oracle, XAware, Microsoft .NET web server products. This package includes both server (serving up pages/data) and client (generate request) configurations. Requires JDK 1.3.X (Includes Axis 1.1 requestor which is free from Sun Java Developers Kit).
  • Download the documentation: [Word] | [PDF]
  • Download the executable files: [ZIP]

Java (J2EE)

  • Java Node by enfoTech & Consulting
    The Node developed by enfoTech and Consulting is freely available. Please note that technical support for deployment of the Node and configuration of any data flows is not necessarily included. Contact the vendor for more information about obtaining technical support for the product. For more information visit the enfoTech website.

NOTE: The Network Operations Board (NOB) is providing a link to this site because it contains information on a freely available Node product that has been successfully deployed by several Exchange Network partners. The information contained on this site may be useful or interesting to other Exchange Network partners. The NOB cannot attest to the accuracy of the information provided by this site. This link does not constitute an endorsement of the sponsors of the site or the information or products presented on the site.

Microsoft .NET

  • Microsoft .NET Node by Windsor Solutions
    Version 3.0 of the Node developed by Windsor Solutions is available for download from their website at http://www.nodecentral.com. The site includes downloads for the Node, plug-ins for several data exchanges, and reference documentation. Please note that technical support for deployment of the Node and configuration of any data flows is not necessarily included. Contact the vendor for more information about obtaining technical support for the product. Windsor's Node Central website allows for downloads of their full Node product while the link on our Network Clients page is for the Node Client application only.

NOTE: The Network Operations Board (NOB) is providing a link to this site because it contains information on a freely available Node product that has been successfully deployed by several Exchange Network partners. The information contained on this site may be useful or interesting to other Exchange Network partners. The NOB cannot attest to the accuracy of the information provided by this site. This link does not constitute an endorsement of the sponsors of the site or the information or products presented on the site.

  • Microsoft.NET Node by enfoTech & Consulting
    The Node developed by enfoTech and Consulting is freely available. Please note that technical support for deployment of the Node and configuration of any data flows is not necessarily included. Contact the vendor for more information about obtaining technical support for the product. For more information visit the enfoTech website.

NOTE: The Network Operations Board (NOB) is providing a link to this site because it contains information on a freely available Node product that has been successfully deployed by several Exchange Network partners. The information contained on this site may be useful or interesting to other Exchange Network partners. The NOB cannot attest to the accuracy of the information provided by this site. This link does not constitute an endorsement of the sponsors of the site or the information or products presented on the site.

  • Washington Department of Ecology
    The DNC describes how the State of Washington developed their functional Node using MS.NET technology. Their data storage layer is SQL Server.

    Download the documentation: [PDF]
    Download the executable files: [ZIP]

NOTE: These resources are for version 1.0 of the Node product developed by Windsor Solutions. While version 1.0 remains a working solution, please note that the most recent version (3.0) includes additional functionality. For more information on the latest version, please visit http://www.nodecentral.com or contact Windsor Solutions.

  • Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
    The DNC describes how the State of Mississippi DEQ developed their functional node using the MS.NET platform. Their data storage layer is in Oracle 8i.

    Download the documentation: [Word] | [PDF]
    Download the executable files: [ZIP]

  • DNC for server side using Microsoft .NET C#
    This requires .NET framework 1.X and WSE 1sp1.

Download the executable files: [ZIP]

  • DNC for server side using Microsoft .NET VB
    This requires .NET Framework 1.X and WSE 1sp1. DNC (executable files) for client side (to generate requests) for Microsoft .NET.

Download the executable files: [ZIP]

  • Sample client for .NET
    This is a sample client that uses the included requestor library (CDX_DOTNET_REQUESTOR.DLL). This library is all that is needed to communicate with a Node from any .NET language (e.g., VB, C#, J#). Only requires the .NET Framework 1.X and WSE 1sp1. Please note that the code is compiled so once you install you cannot make a lot of modifications.

Download the executable files: [ZIP]

  • C# Client Library
    This allows you to change the above requestor library. If you don't want to change the API, you should download the .NET Sample Client. Requires the .NET Framework 1.X and 1sp1.

Download the executable files: [ZIP]


  • Maine Department of Environmental Protection
    The DNC describes how the State of Maine DEP developed their functional Node using Oracle 9iAS. Their data storage layer (database) is Oracle 9i.

Download the documentation (updated November 2004): [Word] | [PDF]
Download the executable files: [ZIP]


  • Download the executable files: [ZIP]

other developer tools

  • Node Test Site Version 1.1
    This application provides the ability to test any Node in the Exchange Network, by triggering Network WSDL-compliant requests on that Node. If a Node passes a test with this tool, it is very likely to be interoperable with other Network WSDL-compliant Nodes. This tool, which is intended to verify general compliance with the Specification, focuses on interoperability among Nodes.
  • Java Flow Processor
    The Java Flow Processor was developed by CGI for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. It is an extraction and transformation tool written in Java that is intended to simplify the deployment of Exchange Network data flows. For more information on the Flow Processor, you can download the accompanying User's Guide or contact William Labar at william.labar@cgi.com or 337.291.9854.
  • Software Developer Kit (SDK)
    The SDK is a COM object based tool to simplify Network interactions to a few lines of script code. It sets up a node client then builds Network messages for you dynamically as it runs the script. It has sample scripts for Network services. It can execute any WSDL based service even Node 2.0 /Soap1.2 . (see example)
    1. Click here to download the kit
    2. Unzip and double click the file to install the SDK. It uses a standard install tool so just follow prompts
    3. It creates NodeClient2.0 directory containing:
      • Example scripts in NodeClient2.0\Scripts directory
      • Debug logs etc in NodeClient2.0\Logs directory
    4. execute example script (for calling any WSDL based services in this case a NAAS WSDL):

set myClient = CreateObject ("NodeClient") myClient.SetCredential "cdx", "test",""
'set our SSL certificate file
myClient.SetProperty "Certificate", "NodeClientSSL.pem"
'use local WSDL cache if any
myClient.SetProperty "WSDLAge", "23923932"
'Set the WSDL address you are calling
myClient.SetProperty "WSDLFile", "
'call the execute method to get the data rows = myClient.Execute("ClearTransaction","","")




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Last updated: November 7, 2008