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Center for Emerging

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Emerging Disease Tracking Analysis and Forecasting Team (TAF)

Within the Center for Emerging Issues, the Emerging Disease Tracking, Analysis, and Forecasting team (TAF) works to identify potential emerging animal health issues, assess and analyze emerging animal health issues, and forecast disease emergence. Towards accomplishing these functions, TAF also devotes resources to methods development, as well as finding and evaluating existing methods and data sources to apply to our work. more...

Most recent documents

Impact Worksheets A listing of impact worksheets for recent domestic and foreign animal health events. Impact Worksheets are designed to rapidly provide an assessment of risk, including critical trade information, to VS decision-makers in order to determine if the disease event has the potential to substantially affect the U.S. livestock industry. Impact Worksheet Archive

Summary of Selected disease events
Quarterly reports of selected disease events. animal health
Emerging Animal Health Issues A listing of emerging animal health issues projects at CEI.
Emerging Disease Notices A listing of recent reports examining
new diseases. Emerging Disease Notices are published on emerging or reemerging animal diseases relevant to the U.S. agricultural community.
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Current Impact Worksheet

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Emerging Disease Tracking
Analysis and Forecasting

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