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  network archives

This section is designed to provide you with access to additional documents and other resources that will help you learn more about the Exchange Network. Much of the content is an archive of past meetings or events related to the development of the Exchange Network. For a more concise introduction to the Exchange Network, please visit the Network Basics section. Resources for building Nodes, implementing data exchanges, and developing schema are available in other sections of this website.

The following presentations have been given at various meetings and provide overviews of the Exchange Network and specific partner projects. The presentations are available in two formats: Adobe PDF and Microsoft PowerPoint. In general, the files in .pdf format tend to be smaller and will download more quickly.

Exchange Network Overview Presentations

  • Governing Magazine Conference on Managing Environmental Info - June 2005
    Exchange Network Overview
    [PDF] | [PowerPoint]
  • Presentation at EPA System of Registries Conference - April 2005
    Overview of the Exchange Network Registry
    [PDF] | [PowerPoint]
  • Presentation to the Federal XML Community of Practice - Feb 2005
    Exchange Network Overview
    [PDF] | [PowerPoint]
  • Presentation at Exchange Network Press Event - June 2004
    Protecting our Nations Waters Using the Environmental Information Exchange Network
    [PDF] | [PowerPoint]
  • Presentation at the EPA Science Forum - May 2004
    [PDF] | [PowerPoint]
  • Presentation at TRI National Meeting - 2004
    [PDF] | [PowerPoint]
  • Presentation at CDC Public Health Tracking Network Conference - March 2004
    [PDF] | [PowerPoint]
  • Presentation to Association of State Drinking Water Administrators - 2003
    [PDF] | [PowerPoint]
  • Presentation on EPA’s System of Registries - 2003
    [PDF] | [PowerPoint]

Exchange Network Partner Presentations

  • Presentation at EPA Office of Environmental Information National Conference - December 2004
    Washington Department of Ecology: Linking Environmental and Human Health Data
    [PDF] | [PowerPoint]

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This section contains links to materials that were distributed at the following Exchange Network Meetings:

Exchange Network National Meetings

  • 2008 Exchange Network National Meeting - In April 2008, Exchange Network partners gathered for the annual Exchange Network National Meeting to share information on a variety of network projects.
  • 2007 Exchange Network National Meeting - In April 2007, Exchange Network partners gathered for the annual Exchange Network National Meeting to share information on a variety of network projects.
  • 2006 Exchange Network Users Meeting - In April 2006, the Exchange Network user community gathered to share information on a variety of network related projects and learn more about how to get involved in the Exchange Network.

Other Exchange Network Meetings

  • TRI-State Data Exchange Meeting - In September 2005, the U.S. EPA and the Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) cosponsored a meeting aimed at expanding state participation in the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Data Exchange.

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conference calls
This section contains links to materials from Exchange Network related conference calls:

Network Technology Group Open Calls - Held to provide an opportunity for the Network technical community to learn more about the NTG’s recent activities, and provide feedback on their efforts to improve environmental information exchange.

Dr. Node Conference Calls - Held to provide assistance to partners seeking to implement Nodes on the Exchange Network.

  • June 9, 2004
  • July 14, 2004
  • October 20, 2004

Network Knowledge Transfer Calls - Held to orient partners with the various tools available to implement data flows on the Exchange Network.

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related links
The following links provide connections to projects or organizations closely related to the Exchange Network.


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Last updated: November 7, 2008