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  network technology group

The mission of the Network Technology Group (NTG) is to identify, deliberate, and provide recommendations to the Network Operations Board (NOB) on operational and technical issues; to implement technical and operational decisions made by the NOB; and to provide direction for the management of Network infrastructure resources.

The NTG currently has two subgroups working on special issues. The Node 2.0 Task Force is currently drafting a new technical specification for Exchange Network Nodes called Node 2.0. There is also a Geospatial Task Force that is developing more explicit guidance for Network partners that are interested in exchanging geospatial data.

ntg members

The current members of the NTG are:

  • Connie Dwyer (Co-chair)
    U.S. EPA Office of Environmental Information
    (202) 566-1691
  • Glen Carr (Co-chair)
    Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
    (503) 229-5062
  • Tom Aten
    Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
    (608) 267-7638
  • Dennis Burling
    Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
    (402) 471-4214
  • Chris Clark
    U.S. EPA Office of Environmental Information
    (202) 566-1693
  • Chuck Freeman
    U.S. EPA Office of Environmental Information
    (202) 566-1694
  • Lico Galindo
    U.S. EPA Office of Information Collection
    (202) 566-1252
  • Brian Stitt
    U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
    (919) 541-3757

ntg documents





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Last updated: January 6, 2009