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Federal funding for Virginia projects under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Virginia is working to ensure that the interests of the Commonwealth’s citizens are well represented in the federal economic stimulus package. The Department of Environmental Quality invites residents, localities and others to submit project proposals to be considered when federal stimulus funds become available. DEQ also has identified several environmental programs that will benefit from the stimulus funds.

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Virginia stimulus project proposals

  • Water quality projects

    Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Virginia will have approximately $77 million available to localities for capitalization grants for the clean water state revolving funds under Title VI of the federal Water Pollution Control Act. Virginia law limits the type of projects that can receive assistance from the fund to wastewater, agricultural best management practices, brownfield cleanup and land conservation.  more...

  • Air quality projects

    Title VII of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act injects $300 million into the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s existing Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Program. DERA is a formula grant program under which EPA disburses money to states based on statutory requirements. It requires that EPA award 30 percent of the $300 million to states on a non-competitive basis with no match requirements. The remaining 70 percent must be awarded to individual projects on a competitive basis. Virginia's share of the non-competitive funds will be approximately $1.7 million. EPA’s share for the mid-Atlantic states is $16 million. Specific dollar amounts are not reserved for any state, as EPA approves individual projects on case-by-case basis.  more...

  • Waste management projects

    Stimulus funding for waste management in Virginia will address leaking underground storage tank sites, for which $200 million will be available nationwide and $4.5 million in Virginia. In addition, brownfields redevelopment projects nationwide will receive $100 million through EPA.  more...


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