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The following is an archive of previous editions of the Network Update. The Network Update is distributed via an email alerts list to help keep the Network community apprised of recent developments on the Exchange Network. Please visit the sign-up page to subscribe to the Network Update.

Relevant Documentation
January 30, 2009 AQS Test Database Upgrade  
November 24, 2008 AQS Exchange Updated to v2.1 AQS web page
November 16, 2008 Node 2.0 Challenge Grant Node 2.0 Products Page
October 30, 2008 Open Conference Call on November 12, 2008  
October 3, 2008 Changes to Beach Notification Exchange Beach Notification page
September 18, 2008 U.S. EPA Issues Slightly Revised FY2009 EN Grant Solicitation U.S. EPA Exchange Network Grants web page
September 16, 2008 U.S. EPA Releases Final FY2009 EN Grant Solicitation U.S. EPA Exchange Network Grants web page
August 20, 2008 Open Call on Node 2.0 Flow Migration  
August 12, 2008 Version 2.0 of Water Quality Exchange Now Available WQX Web Page
August 11, 2008 EPA Extends Comment Deadline for 2009 Grant Solicitation Notice EN Grants web page
August 1, 2008 EPA Releases Draft 2009 EN Grant Solicitation EN Grants web page
July 31, 2008 Changes to RCRAInfo Exchange RCRAInfo Exchange web page
June 27, 2008 EPA's Substance Registry System Web Services Temporarily Unavailable http://www.epa.gov/srs
June 16, 2008 EPA Soliciting Comments on Consolidated Emissions REporting Schema http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/net/neip.html
June 2, 2008 Final Node 2.0 Documentation Now Available Node 2.0 Products Page
May 22, 2008 Maintenance Scheduled for CDX Production Environment  
March 19, 2008 A) Updated TRI Exchange Resources Now Available
B) UIC Exchange Now In Production
A) TRI Data Exchange web page
B) UIC Data Exchange web page
March 17, 2008 Node 2.0 Open Call Node 2.0 FAQ
March 4, 2008 NTG Releases Draft 9 of the Node 2.0 Specification Draft Node 2.0 Materials
Node 2.0 Products Page
February 13, 2008 Node 2.0 Open Call Node 2.0 FAQ
February 12, 2008 2008 Exchange Network National Meeting 2008 Meeting web page
January 8, 2008 Exchange Network Partner Survey  
December 13, 2007 A) Beach Notification Exchange Updated
B) Beach Monitoring Exchange Now Available
A) Beach Notification web page
B) Beach Monitoring web page
December 10. 2007 Getting Started Guides Now Available Getting Started Guides web page
December 6, 2007 CDX Test Environment Back Online  
December 5, 2007 CDX Test Environment Unavailable  
October 5, 2007 NTG Releases Draft Node 2.0 Spec; Will Hold Open Call Oct. 18, 2007 Draft Node 2.0 Materials
Node 2.0 Products Page
October 3, 2007 ENLC Releases Exchange Network Strategic Plan EN Strategic Plan web page
September 13, 2007 U.S. EPA Releases Final FY2008 EN Grant Solicitation U.S. EPA Exchange Network Grants web page
September 13, 2007 Exchange Network Reaches Milestone with 50 State Partners! Exchange Network Progress web page
ECOS Press Release
August 13, 2007 NTG Open Call on Schematron Schematron Presentation Slides
August 1, 2007 EPA Releases Draft 2008 EN Grant Solicitation and Seeks Comments EPA EN Grants web page
August 1, 2007 Announcement of 2007 STORET/WQX Conference STORET/WQX meeting website
June 29, 2007 Governance Seeks Comments on Draft Strategic Plan Draft Exchange Network Strategic Plan
June 11, 2007 NTG Open Calls on Node 2.0 A) Slides from June 20 Call
B) Slides from June 21 Call
May 14, 2007 A) 2007 NEI Submissions Are Open
B) Version 2.0 of AQS Schema Now Available
A) NEI Exchange Network web page
B) AQS Exchange Network web page
May 10, 2007 CDX Maintenance  
April 3, 2007 NTG Evaluating Changes to Node Spec Node Functional Specification v1.1
March 22, 2007 CDX Test Node & NAAS Outage
March 22, 2007 WQX Exchange in Production WQX Web page
March 14, 2007 CDX Maintenance
March 8, 2007 CDX Maintenance
February 22, 2007 CDX Maintenance
February 9, 2007 CDX Maintenance
January 17, 2007 Exchange Network Coordinator Vacancy Position Description and Job Announcement
January 4, 2007 A) NOB Issues Change Management Principles, Rules, and Procedures
B) Enhanced progress and profiles on EN website
A) Principles, Rules, and Procedures for Change Management on the Exchange Network
B) Exchange Network Progress and Profiles page
November 15, 2006 A) FY07 EN Grant Application Deadline
B) Update on RCRAInfo and AQS exchanges
C) Exchange Network success stories
A) U.S. EPA Network Grants Website
B) RCRAInfo page | AQS page
C) Exchange Network Success Stories
November 6, 2006 A) Return on Investment Report
B) Release of WQX schemas
A) Partner benefits section
B) Exchange Network WQX Page
October 30, 2006 Modification to FY07 EN Grant Solicitation US EPA FY2007 EN Grant Solicitation Notice
October 3, 2006 EPA Releases FY07 Grant Guidance U.S. EPA Network Grants Website
September 27, 2006 NTG Open Call on NEI Exchange
September 15, 2006 NAAS Upgrade  
September 6, 2006 A) Flow Development Assistance
B) Revision to Exchange Design Guidance and Best Practices
A) Development Assistance page
B) Exchange Design Guidance and Best Practices
August 8, 2006 A) EPA Solicits Comments on Draft 2007 Exchange Network Grants Solicitation Notice
B) Revised Listing of Help Desk Services
A) U.S. EPA Network Grants Website
B) Exchange Network Help Desk page
August 3, 2006 Network Technology Group Open Conference Call
July 25, 2006 A) DET Template
B) Revised Schema Conformance Report Preparation and Review Process
A) DET Template
B) Schema Conformance Report Preparation and Review Process
May 30, 2006

A) Secure Authentication Keys
B) Shared Schema Components v2.0

A) SAK Guidance
B) Shared Schema Component Guidance

May 5, 2006 National Emissions Inventory submissions Exchange Network NEI page
May 1, 2006 Network Technology Group Open Conference Call PowerPoint slides from May 18 NTG call
April 24, 2006

A) Revised XML Design Rules & Conventions
B) Flow Documentation Checklist

A) XML Design Rules and Conventions v1.1
B) Flow Documentation Checklist

March 31, 2006

A) Revised Namespace Guidance v1.1
B) Revised Decision on Boolean Elements

A) NOB Decision Memorandum 2006-01
Guidance on Namespace Organization, Naming, and Schema File Location v1.1
B) NOB Decision Memorandum 2005-03

February 17, 2006 Namespace Guidance v1.0 NOB Decision Memorandum 2006-01
Guidance on Namespace Organization, Naming, and Schema File Location v1.1
Januray 31, 2006 Network Technology Group Open Conference Call PowerPoint Slides from February 2 NTG call
December 30, 2005 Release of TRI XML Schema and guidance v1.2 Exchange Network TRI page
December 21, 2005 Renewal of facility data project team
November 2, 2005 Addition of governance info to EN website Management section of the EN website
October 17, 2005 Q&A for 2006 EPA Exchange Network grant program
September 1, 2005 Release of grant guidance for 2006 EPA Exchange Network grants EPA Exchange Network grants page
August 23, 2005 Data Exchange Design Guidance and Best Practices Document v1.0 Data Exchange Design Guidance and Best Practices document
August 19, 2005 Availability of RCRAInfo XML schemas Exchange Network RCRA page
August 5, 2005 CDX Production Node Maintenance
July 15, 2005 CDX Node and NAAS Maintenance



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Last updated: January 30, 2009