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  network policy framework

The Exchange Network Leadership Council (ENLC) has adopted a policy framework to help establish expectations for network partners and to clarify the status of documents already produced for the Exchange Network. The Framework defines which specific actions are required of Exchange Network partners, and which constitute recommendations. No agency or organization has authority to require use of the Exchange Network. Rather, the framework defines those actions that are required when a partner elects to use the Exchange Network.

Network Policy 000 establishes how policy is adopted for the Exchange Network, and also defines a waiver process that recognizes both unique business needs and the nature of the development cycle. The Framework is designed to lead to a more consistent and interoperable Network, but to avoid requirements for rework solely to conform to new policy.

The ENLC is the only authority which may set high-level Policy for the Network, and which may adopt data standards. All existing and any future policies for the Network are referenced below. The ENLC has delegated to the Network Operations Board authority to establish Procedures, Standards (other than data standards) and Guidance. Conformance to Procedures and Standards is mandatory, while guidance is advisory in nature. Every Procedure and Standard implements one or more adopted Exchange Network policies. Each Policy contains an appendix which lists implementing procedures, standards and guidance.

current policies

current procedures




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Last updated: November 7, 2008