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Pesticides are frequently the tactic of choice for managing pests because of cost, effectiveness, availability, and convenience. They have contributed substantially to our present-day agricultural productivity, but at the same time they have triggered issues and concerns such as pest resistance, environmental contamination, and worker exposure. CSREES is addressing the appropriate and safe use of pesticides by identifying alternative pest management tactics and assessing the benefits and risks associated with pesticide use through research, education, and extension. CSREES programs specifically dedicated to these areas are the Specialty Crop Pest Management (IR-4), Pest Management Alternatives (PMAP), Methyl Bromide Transition (MBT), and Pesticide Safety Education (PSEP) programs. Several other CSREES-funded opportunities--such as the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI), Crops at Risk (CAR), Risk Avoidance and Mitigation Program (RAMP), and Regional IPM (RIPM) program--help address critical needs in pest management as well. Some programs such as PMAP, CAR, MBT, and RAMP are integrated with research, education, and extension components while the PSEP is solely education oriented.

In Focus



Selected Results and Impacts



Last Updated: March 4, 2009

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