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  getting started on the network Printer friendly page

In an effort to make it easier to understand and use the Exchange Network, the Network Partnership and Resources Group is developing a set of Getting Started Guides. These guides provide new and experienced Network partners with some basic information on the Network and how to begin participating.

  • Join the Network - The Exchange Network is a partnership to support better environmental decisions through improved access to, and exchange of, environmental information. This guide will help you get started becoming a partner on the Network.
  • Apply for a Network Grant - Exchange Network partners can apply for funding from the EPA Office of Environmental Information (OEI) to support the development and implementation of Exchange Network Nodes, exchanges, analytical tools, and other related projects. This guide provides general instructions and best practices for applying for an Exchange Network Grant.
  • Join an Existing Data Exchange - This guide provides high-level instructions and best practices for those interested in joining existing data exchanges on the Exchange Network. You should use this guide in conjunction with exchangespecific resources, which are available on the Data Exchanges section of the Exchange Network website.
  • Build a New Data Exchange - This guide describes high level steps and best practices for
    creating a new exchange and ensuring that it meets stakeholder needs, complies with relevant technology and data standards, and can be used by others on the Exchange Network.
  • Adding Business Value for Air Programs - This guide provides information for air programs to understand how the Exchange Network can improve access to data that supports decision-making and can reduce business costs. It also provides information on how to become a partner on the network.
  • Adding Business Value for Water Programs (Watersheds, Oceans, and Wetlands) - This guide provides information on how the Exchange Network can add value for water programs. It will help you understand how the Exchange Network can improve decision-making through more efficient access to more data and can reduce business costs.  It also explains how to become a partner on the network.  The guide is specifically tailored for watershed, ocean, and wetland programs.



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Last updated: November 7, 2008