New Features

  • Users online
    Anytime you see a blue square around a user's avatar, you know they are online. Just think of the implications!
  • Daily Email Update
    You can now receive a daily email full of what's happening in your Vimeo world. Sign up is located in your notifications settings.
  • Converting time during transcoding
    Ted and Casey added a nifty little feature that will display the time remaining to convert your video during uploads.
  • Removing Video Thumbnails
    Everytime you upload a video, you get 12 thumbnails to choose from. Now, a month from the day you upload your video, we will automatically remove any unused thumbnails. But you will always be able to upload your own.
  • Improved Searching
    We've been waiting for this. The toolbar search is now much more accurate.
  • Login and Join Vimeo Lightbox
    Clicking on most login and join links will now trigger a lightbox overlay where you can quickly login or join Vimeo and stay on your current page.
  • Better referrer statistics
    Now we record every page that videos get embeded on, check it out in the stats section to the right of any video page.
  • Share on MySpace
    Everyone says they hate it, but everyone has a MySpace profile! We've added MySpace to the Sharing options.
  • Badge additions
    You can now add channels and albums to any Badge that you create. Yipeee!
  • New Hubnut Behavoir
    From now on, the Hubnut will not auto-rotate when it is loaded on a page. This will only affect all newly created Hubnuts, not those that are currently used on other sites.
  • Search Channels
    Now you can FINALLY search for Channels. Use the 'Search' box in the top navigation bar, make sure its set on 'Channels', and search away!
  • Posting to Flickr
    It's back! You can once again post your videos to Flickr. You can also post albums. Do this by clicking on Share and navigating to the "Post this..." tab.
  • Expanded Tag Browsing
    Clicking a tag from a video will bring you to an improved tag browsing experience. Now you can browse videos with that tag in your videos, all videos, your contacts' videos and more. Vimeo members who use that tag most are also noted.
  • New Avatar Feature
    Clicking any "avatar" aka user portrait will bring up a menu of actions you can take regarding that user. Use this menu to add contacts, subscribe to videos, and send messages to users you see on Vimeo
  • Spam Filters
    We've recently rolled out some great new spam filters that we think will help keep spammers off of Vimeo. Of course its impossible to stop ALL spammers, so if you ever see any send an email to and we'll take care of it.
  • Add Multiple Email Addresses
    Now you can add multiple email addresses to your account and then sign in with any of them using the same password. Just set one as your main address, verify it after we send you an email, and you're all set.
  • Take the Vimeo survey!

    As dalas mentioned earlier this month, Vimeo is getting bigger everyday! That means more than just our friends and family use it now. To help us decide what to work on next we'd like to learn more about who you guys are and how you use Vimeo. So, we made a survey:

    If you have two minutes, please let us know what you think. It's hosted on a separate site so all answers are anonymous.

    • Lara 10 months ago
      Uhm.... there's no link/button when I load the page,...?!

      (I had to find it through pressing the tab button and pressing enter on whatever link was outside of vimeo.... O__O)
    • Michael 10 months ago
      Yeah, it looks like the image that links to the survey isn't there.
    • john 2 months ago
      WOW! CashSurveys is my clear winner! Not only is your quality service
      free. I did't pay anything and I have kept accessing great cash
      surveys. It's also, by some distance, the best organized site
      up-to-date covering the top market research companies. Two Thumbs up!

      cash surveys
    • Lara 10 months ago
      it didn't appear at first, even after totally refreshing the page alt f5 thing.
      but like, i did the vimeo, and now it's there O_o
    • Scruff_E_Guy 10 months ago
      Yup, it's there now... and completed
    • Eugenia Loli-Queru plus 10 months ago
      Just took the survey, thanks (you will recognize my entry easily ;-)
    • Capucha plus 10 months ago
      done it. Loved the last question. :)
    • mike ambs ☂ plus 10 months ago
      And... done :)
    • Caroline Martin plus 10 months ago
      There's a liger! Por que?
    • Soxiam staff 10 months ago
      that question is not allowed. nor answered.
    • Thommy Browne plus 10 months ago
      Done! More beards!
    • Blake Whitman staff 10 months ago
      knew it!
    • brilliant 10 months ago
      would like to take a survey?
    • chriskalani plus 10 months ago
    • Kevin Mosley plus 10 months ago
      I was "Extremely Interested" for every question regarding a Paid Vimeo Premiere Account.

      Bring it the fuck on!
    • Soxiam staff 10 months ago
      hmm... extrememly interesting...
    • walt 10 months ago
    • alionsonny 10 months ago
      Why? Does anything get better by making paid accounts? Do you feel better then :D
    • Jenna Fox 10 months ago
      I don't want darned paid accounts! I'm a disability pensioner and could barely afford my cheapo camera. If the vimeo crew make paid accounts I wont be able to pay the fee unless it's like $5 a year or so. Then it will be just another flickr where the rich get extra features and my photo's start disappearing in to the void and can't get them back without making myself poorer. Please guys, keep this place fair and equal, don't give better features to those with the money to pay for them.
    • Kevin Mosley plus 10 months ago
      It's not my site but I would think that everything about Vimeo would stay the same.

      If you were to pay then you would have access to extra features.

      I would want unlimited uploading. File size limits are not entertaining to me.

      Then with larger files you could have better quality video. Keep moving in that direction and you could have the best videos out there.
    • Scott Hargroves 10 months ago
      Done. Yuppity yup.
    • Daniel Gardner 10 months ago
      Took it. How DARE you question what I do in the privacy of my shower!! :P :P
    • Bill 10 months ago
      I done it twice!
    • Perez 10 months ago
    • ed 10 months ago
      In saw this same survey format on Gawker. Is this from an app or is it custom code. I like how clean it is and think it would be good for our customer satisfaction surveys.
    • Andrew Pile staff 10 months ago
    • ed 10 months ago
      OK, I hadn't looked at that for awhile. To bad the data has to reside elsewhere for it. Thanks Andrew.
    • andrew tanner 10 months ago
      Just finished filling it out, it's pretty painless.
    • Dylan Voisard 10 months ago
      The: Do you sing in the shower? is missing an OCCASIONALLY button
    • JESS! 10 months ago
      i took it
    • Andrea Allen staff 10 months ago
      What are these people talking about "pro accounts?" I already have a pro account. Deletion rights on everyone's videos, unlimited uploading... I have all that stuff already!
    • Blake Whitman staff 10 months ago
      not any more!
    • alionsonny 10 months ago
      Done, Folks!
      There's not much to make better on this site. It's the best video upload site these days. All other suck compared to Vimeo. I searched quite a time for a place to publish my musicvideos and my choice was stage6 before it went down. Then I found Vimeo, now I'm happy.
      Good soundquality, good Videoquality, nice Site! I love it!
    • Jordan Beck 10 months ago
      Vimeo = #1.
    • Andreas 10 months ago
      survey was easy to use. and I loved the liger.
    • aaroneous 10 months ago
      I just hope Vimeo does not get too far away from the reasons why I signed up in the first place; a great place to view, share, and socialize with other great people.
    • Ray Anderson 10 months ago
      Don't get too ambitious, especially about selling your wares.
    • Pauly Forte 10 months ago
      I really don't see how my household income will help to determine what you work on next! But my singing in the shower, well, now I see.....

      and a

      Oh, but you and me keep thinking
      That the world's just passing us by

      Dont' want to spend my life, living in a rock 'n' roll fantasy
      Don't want to spend my life living on the edge of reality
      Don't want to waste my life, hiding away anymore
      Don't want to spend my life, living in a rock 'n' roll fantasy...

    • Francis 10 months ago
      Hmm, not sure how vimeo can get better coz it's already kick ass the way it is now. I guess we'll have to see...!!
    • Tiago Pierotti 10 months ago
      A good thing that you could work next would be in the search video engine enter an option for searching HD or SD videos. So we could find easily HD videos of our search without having to open it to know if it's HD or SD...

      Thank you Vimeo Staff for this AWESOMEEE Site!!!

      Peace & Love
    • Eric E. Anderson 10 months ago
    • Sasha 10 months ago
    • oppenheimer 10 months ago
    • Jenna Fox 10 months ago
      One thing I forgot to put in the survey, I'd like a way to tag my video's with a creative commons license.
    • Brown 10 months ago
      oh and GPS tagging too
    • Brown 10 months ago
      oh a deinterlacing option would be nice if it's not too much work. Often I can't see that my vids need deinterlacing until after they're uploaded
    • Blake Whitman staff 10 months ago
      just deinterlace them anyway.
    • Brown 10 months ago
    • Jane Adams 10 months ago
      That was a hoot!
    • Judy Johnson 10 months ago
      looks good! keep it simple, complete and informative...everyone's interested in various
      things, so put your best foot forward and go for
      it. COLUMBUS took a chance, why not YOU? Enjoy getting updates.
    • Codename 22 10 months ago
      Do you sing in the shower lol xD
      I hope it get even better :O if it could get much better...
    • abba 10 months ago
      pleasant change somehow diffrent bravo attatude gear up th odds end diffrently
      love ya vimeo
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