Entry bubble Filing taxes in two states

By: Jess | February 05, 2009 | Category: Money

taxesMoving from Pennsylvania to Maryland a few months ago was a little bit stressful because of the distance and the date my previous lease ended and my new one started. I had thought that after I finished sleeping on a friend’s sofa and was in my own place, my moving stresses were over.

But I hadn’t thought about taxes and how the move would affect that.

Like many other people who moved this year, I have to file tax returns in two different states. I’ve never filed a single tax return before, so I’m a little bit nervous and had lots of questions.

Though my parents offered to help me with the Pennsylvania taxes, I was responsible for finding all the necessary forms.

It was a lot easier than I thought to find what I needed. The Federal Tax Administrators have a map linking to each state's tax information. The only form that was a little tricky was the municipality tax form for Manchester Township in York, Pa., but a lady at the tax office gave me the exact number of the form that I could print right from the Web site.

Maryland’s tax forms were even simpler because the county tax is included right on the state tax form, which meant I only needed to track down one.

Now it’s just a matter of filling the forms out, sending them in and figuring out what to do with my return check.

I’m thinking a mini-vacation may be in order.

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Comments (3):

blue comment bubble Posted by numbers on February 05, 2009 at 07:27 AM EST

Next time you move, Jess, make sure you plan it to occur so you receive your last paycheck from your old address before jan 1, and your first one from the new place on or after jan 1, then you won't have to file taxes for both addresses. Just ot be safe, take 2 weeks of vacation before and after. Just tell your employer that you can't start until the first of the year for tax purposes or they can put you on flexiplace.

If work drives you crazy, and crazy is mental illness, woudl that be considered a worpkplace disease? would that make mental illness covered under workers comp? Can you sue the IRS for mental anguish?

these are things one should consider this time of year. Lucky for me my taxes are filed, thansk FREE FILE from www.irs.gov and my refund should be hear soon, Now to go spend it and stimulate teh economy... someone else's economy....

have a great day!

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blue comment bubble Posted by Anita (Victoria, Australia) on February 16, 2009 at 09:18 PM EST

Oh my goodness, you have a STATE-BASED tax system?? That is amazing! Ours is a federal tax system, and everything is the same no matter what state you live in. Everything is handled by the Australian Taxation Office.

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blue comment bubble Posted by Jess on February 17, 2009 at 03:48 PM EST

Anita, We file taxes to our state, local and federal governments.

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