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 Environmental Action

 Taking water samples in the Voisey's Bay. Photo: Inco Ltd.
Taking water samples in Voisey's Bay. Photo: Inco Ltd.

You can reduce your impact on the environment in a variety of ways by choosing eco-friendly products; saving energy at home, work and school; composting and recycling. This section also covers human health issues, education, youth, and volunteer programs. The articles below provide important lifestyle choices in order to help you maintain a healthy environment.


 Education & Youth

 Communities & Volunteers



 Questions about environmental action

  What can I do to reduce my vehicle’s fuel consumption and emissions?
  What should I do with my fluorescent tubes when they burn out?
  Is there anything that can be done to reduce the amount of junk mail I receive each week
  Should I buy a real Christmas tree or an artificial one?
  Can I plant a tree in fall? How do I prepare the young trees in my yard for winter?
  How do I find out about recycling in my city?
  Are there any subsidies or rebates for a household that installs solar panels?
  How do various light bulbs compare for energy efficiency?
  Why should people recycle?
  What are the environmental benefits to using cloth versus disposable diapers? What types of cloth diapers are available?
  Are electric solar panels an efficient and cost saving alternative for household use?
  I would like some information on lawn care products.
  What does the recycling symbol stand for and what do the numbers inside the triangle represent?
  How do I buy good quality compact fluorescent light bulbs? Does turning them on and off every time one leaves the room shorten the life of the bulb?
  Is pressure-treated wood a good choice for fencing?
  What can be used to seal or paint a pressure-treated wooden play structure to make it safe?
  What do you do with old computers and the parts that are obsolete or just a few years old but lack the latest capabilities?
  Are plans available for building your own compost bin?
  What to do with your old appliances?

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