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Ecological Impacts from the Interactions of Climate Change, Land Use Change and Invasive Species: A Joint Research Solicitation - EPA, USDA
Progress Reports
In Response to a Request for Applications which closed on June 26, 2007

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Identifier Abstract Principal Investigator Annual/ Final Reports Pubs Count Institution Project Period
1 R833834
Integrating Future Climate Change and Riparian Land-Use to Forecast the Effects of Stream Warming on Species Invasions and Their Impacts on Native Salmonids Olden, Julian D.
Beechie, Timothy
Lawler, Joshua J.
Torgersen, Christian E.
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   University of Washington,Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center,Northwest Fisheries Science Center July 2008 -
June 2011  
2 R833833
Predicting Relative Risk of Invasion by the Eurasian Saltcedar and New Zealand Mud Snail in River Networks Under Different Scenarios of Climate Change and Dam Operations in the Western United States Poff, N. LeRoy
Auble, Gregor T.
Bledsoe, Brian P.
Dean, Denis
Friedman, Jonathan
Lytle, David
Merritt, David M.
Purkey, David
Raff, David A.
Shafroth, Patrick B.
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   Colorado State University,Oregon State University,Stockholm Environmental Institute,U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,U.S. Forest Service,U.S. Geological Survey July 2008 -
June 2011  
3 R833837
Elevated Temperature and Land Use Flood Frequency Alteration Effects on Rates of Invasive and Native Species Interactions in Freshwater Floodplain Wetlands Richardson, Curtis J.
Flanagan, Neal
Qian, Song S.
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   Duke University,Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences May 2008 -
May 2011  
4 R833836
Beach Grass Invasions and Coastal Flood Protection: Forecasting the Effects of Climate Change on Coastal Vulnerability Seabloom, Eric
Hacker, Sally
Ruggiero, Peter
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   Oregon State University May 2008 -
June 2011  
5 R833838
Ecological Impacts from the Interactions of Climate Change, Land Use Change and Invasive Species Whitlatch, Robert B.
Osman, Richard W.
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   University of Connecticut,Smithsonian Environmental Research Center May 2008 -
March 2011  
6 R833835
Understanding the Role of Climate Change and Land Use Modifications in Facilitating Pathogen Invasions and Declines Of Ectotherms Rohr, Jason R.
Blaustein, Andrew
Raffel, Thomas R.
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   University of South Florida,Oregon State University April 2008 -
March 2011  
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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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