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Coastal Sensitivity to Sea-level Rise: A Focus on the Mid-Atlantic Region

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Other EPA-sponsored Climate Change Science Program Synthesis and Assessment Reports

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has released a report that discusses the impacts of sea-level rise on the physical characteristics of the coast, on coastal communities, and the habitats that depend on them. The report, Coastal Sensitivity to Sea-level Rise: A Focus on the Mid-Atlantic Region examines multiple opportunities for governments and coastal communities to plan for and adapt to rising sea levels.

Coastal Sensitivity to Sea-level Rise is one of 21 climate change synthesis and assessment products commissioned by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP). The report examines the effects of sea level rise, impacts on society, and opportunities to prepare for those consequences, focusing on the eight coastal states from New York to North Carolina.  

Report highlights:

Coastal Sensitivity to Sea-level Rise: A Focus on the Mid-Atlantic Region assesses potential effects of sea-level rise on the U.S. coast during the 21st century, with a focus on the eight coastal states from New York to North Carolina.   Using the  scientific literature and policy documents, the report describes potential changes to barrier islands,  wetlands, other coastal habitat, and vulnerable species; societal impacts and implications of sea-level rise; decisions that may be sensitive to sea-level rise; opportunities for adaptation; and institutional barriers to adaptation. It also outlines the current coastal policy context in the mid-Atlantic region and describes the implications for the other regions of the U.S. Finally, the report discusses opportunities for natural and social science research to enhance understanding of potential impacts of sea-level rise and society’s ability to respond.

Sea level is rising, and there is evidence that the rate is accelerating.  Climate change is likely to further accelerate the rate of sea-level rise during the next century. Rising seas can inundate low-lying areas, increase storm-surge flooding, erode shorelines, convert wetlands to open water, and increase the salinity of estuaries and aquifers.  This report does not develop a quantitative assessment of regions vulnerable to inundation by sea-level rise. However, systematic collection of high-quality elevation data would improve the ability to conduct detailed assessments in support of local decision making. The combined effects of sea-level rise and storms may cause “tipping points” to be reached for some landforms and environments (barrier islands and wetlands), leading to rapid shoreline change.

Sea-level rise is one of many factors affecting coastal habitats. Other factors that may affect future habitat and species loss include loss of wetlands and shoreline erosion caused by development; navigation infrastructure and boat traffic; and water pollution.  Coastal communities and property owners have been responding to risks by erecting shore protection structures, elevating land and buildings, or relocating inland. A substantial acceleration of sea-level rise is likely to increase both the costs and environmental impacts of actions taken in response.  Nevertheless, many opportunities are available for reducing adverse impacts by anticipating sea level rise now.  Some agencies, individuals, and organizations have started to prepare, but existing policies are often barriers to preparing for sea-level rise. 

The prospect of accelerated sea-level rise and increased vulnerability in coastal regions underscores the immediate need for improving our scientific understanding of and ability to predict the effects of sea-level rise. Beginning to incorporate sea-level rise into coastal planning, combined with development of decision support tools for taking further adaptive actions, could lessen the economic and environmental impacts of sea-level rise on the United States.

The CCSP was established in 2002 to provide the nation with science-based knowledge to manage the risks and opportunities of change in the climate and related environmental systems. The program is responsible for coordinating and integrating the research of 13 federal agencies on climate and global change.

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