Giving Form

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.

~ John F. Kennedy

The Tradition of Giving at UAF

Your support is making a difference!
There are countless ways to support  the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Gifts to our Annual Giving program go to work immediately as unrestricted funds, supporting students and faculty; Planned Giving empowers supporters to leave a legacy gift while meeting their life goals; strong links are forged with partners through Corporate and Foundation gifts; and Endowed Scholarships, Fellowships and Academic Chairs honor a loved one or respected colleague while doing a world of good for students and the university community. 

For more information on how to make a gift, visit the Ways to Give page, or call us at (907) 474-2619 or 1 (800) UAF-GIVE.


Annual Giving & Young Alumni

Take a look at our 2009 Flash video

The UAF Annual Giving Program released an electronic appeal featuring an innovative and contemporary Flash video aimed at young alumni, with soundtrack by local band Gangly Moose,

New York Life's pledge of $450,000 boosts ASRA and RAHI

Alaska Summer Research Academy and Rural Alaska Honors Institute funded for three years

New York Life’s three-year, $450,000 grant to the UAF will support ASRA and RAHI, two programs for high school students, in keeping with the firm's dedication to educational enhancement programs.

Introduced in 2001, ASRA provides an intensive, two-week residential learning experience for 8th to 12th graders who have an interest in science, engineering or liberal arts, emphasizing the importance of a college education. Read more...

Impact of the economy on UAF

Chancellor Rogers' letter to the community

2008 was indeed an exciting year -- for UAF, Alaska, the nation and beyond. Sometimes that excitement was less than welcome, as has certainly been the case with our nation's economy. UAF has not been immune, and in light of the governor's FY2010 budget proposal to the legislature, here is an outline of the impacts on Alaska's first university. Read the full text of the Chancellor's letter to the community...