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American Farmland Trust's expertise in conservation and agriculture stems from our leading-edge research, comprehensive data-gathering and successful on-the-ground work conducted across the country for the past 25 years.

The following resources tap into AFT's breadth of knowledge to help answer your questions and address today's pressing farmland protection, conservation and agricultural issues.



red arrow Studies & Reports
Recent community, regional, state and federal-level projects conducted by AFT to help save farmland, keep the land healthy and ensure a future for agriculture.

Farmland Information Center
The nation's first and only clearinghouse of laws, literature, statistics, fact sheets and sample documents about farmland protection and stewardship.

Center for Agriculture in the Environment
AFT's academic research, working papers and publications about healthy farming practices and environmental stewardship. Also search here for agriculture-related environmental grant programs administered by AFT.

red arrow Agricultural Conservation Innovation Center
AFT pioneered the use of market-driven risk management tools to protect farm income when healthy farming practices are implemented.

red arrow The BMP Challenge for Farmers
AFT's innovative solution to help protect our environment —Best Management Practices (BMPs) for farmers developed to save money and maintain optimal yields. The BMP Challenge makes it easier for participating farmers to reduce nitrogen fertilizer use and utilize reduced tillage practices while being protected from potential loss of income.


red arrow Farming on the Edge
Our ground-breaking national study mapping the relationship between high-quality farmland and land development pressure in America. The threat of sprawling development to urban edge farmland is shown state by state.

RMS Rocky Mountain Strategic Ranchland
Population growth is transforming the landscape of the Rocky Mountain West and threatening tomorrow's landscapes. This study analyzes the threats to prime ranchland in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.

Our latest books and guides, along with free brochures and fact sheets about farmland protection. Includes "Cost of Community Services: Making the Case for Conservation" and our collection of landowner guides.

red arrow State & Congressional District Agriculture Profiles
Agriculture highlights on both the state and congressional district level including commodity and disaster program payments—and federal conservation program funding and needs.

red arrow AFT Magazine
All AFT members receive a free yearly subscription to American Farmland, the quarterly magazine of American Farmland Trust. Read select articles from the most recent issue, look through our archives, send a letter to the editor, or learn how to start receiving your subscription.

American Farmland Trust