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  network nodes and clients

Welcome to the home for Nodes on the Exchange Network website!

This section contains a fair amount of information so let's try and break it down a bit:

Are you new to the Exchange Network?
If so, this is a good place to start. Click here for some of the basics on Nodes and how to get started on the path to sharing better information.

Looking for information on Node 2.0?
If so, look no further. Whether you are looking to develop a Node 2.0-compliant Node or implement an existing solution this section has the lowdown on all things 2.0.

Looking for information on Node 1.1?
The transition to Node 2.0 has begun, but it will be a gradual one. Visit this section for reference materials on Node 1.1.






© 2009 Network Operations Board
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Last updated: February 20, 2009