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  network grants Printer friendly page
Since 2002, the U.S. EPA has been supporting the implementation of the Exchange Network through its National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program. The program provides funding for states, territories, and Federally Recognized Indian tribes and has played an enormous role in the current success of the Exchange Network. For more information on the grant program, consult the Getting Started Guide on Applying for a Network Grant or check out U.S. EPA's Exchange Network Grants page.

2009 grant program
On September 16, 2008, U.S. EPA released the final FY 2009 Exchange Network Grant Solicitation Notice. The application deadline for FY2009 Exchange Network grants is November 21, 2008. The Solicitation Notice contains important information about eligibility, application procedures, and funding priorities, which include the transition to Node 2.0 and innovative multi-partner collaboration grants. As a reminder, the Exchange Network Message Board is a good place for Network partners to share ideas on innovative projects and perhaps find new groups with which to partner. You can find a forum dedicated to sharing Exchange Network project ideas at http://www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/mb/exnet?forum=97250. Additional information about the grant program is available on the EPA website at http://www.epa.gov/exchangenetwork/grants.

previous grant recipients
EPA has awarded grants each year from FY2002 through FY2007. Information on past grant recipients is available below and on EPA's Archived Grant Information page.








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Last updated: November 7, 2008