Departmental Regulation











August 5, 2008



Forest Service



1.   Purpose and Scope


a.     This charter renews the Lake Tahoe Basin Federal Advisory Committee   (Committee) in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. No. 92-463).


b.    The purpose of the Committee is to provide advice to the Secretary of Agriculture and to the Federal Interagency Partnership (Partnership), established by Executive Order 13057, on how the Partnership can best fulfill its duties pursuant to that order to protect the extraordinary natural, recreational, and ecological resources in the Lake Tahoe Region, as defined by An Act To Grant the Consent of the Congress to the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact of December 18, 1969 (Pub. L No.  91-148), an Act of December 19, 1980 (Pub. L. No 96-551) (Tahoe Regional Planning Compact), the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act (Pub. L. No. 106-506), and the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998, as amended (Pub. L. No. 105-263).


c.     The advice of the Committee shall consist of the consensus of its members, representing the broad array of local, regional, state, tribal and national interests concerned with the environmental, economic, and cultural health of the Lake Tahoe Basin.


2.   Special Instructions


a.     This regulation will expire 2 years from the date of filing.


b.    This regulation supersedes DR-1043-44, dated June 7, 2006.


3.   Officers and Membership


a.     The advisory committee will consist of no more than 20 members. 


b.    The advisory committee members will represent a broad array of interests in the Lake Tahoe Basin.  Two representatives will be selected as members-at-large, and one representative will be selected from each of the following sectors:


(1)   Gaming;

(2)   Environmental;

(3)   National environmental;

(4)   Ski resorts;

(5)   North Shore economic/recreation;

(6)   South Shore economic/recreation;

(7)   Resort associations;

(8)   Education;

(9)   Property rights advocates;

(10) Science and research;

(11) California local government;

(12) Washoe Tribe;

(13) State of California;

(14) State of Nevada;

(15) Tahoe Regional Planning Agency;

(16) Labor;

(17) Transportation;

(18) Nevada local government;

(19) Member at large (2) positions.


c.     If a Committee member fails to attend (in person or by telephonic or electronic means) three consecutive official meetings, the Secretary or DFO may remove that member from the Committee.


d.    A vacancy on the Committee will be filled in the manner in which the original appointment was made.


e.     The Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Forest Supervisor, or designee, shall serve as the Designated Federal Officer (DFO) for the Committee.


f.     Nominations for the Committee Chair will be submitted by the committee and selected by the Secretary or the DFO.


g.     Committee members may create and operate subcommittees recommended by a majority of the committee members and approved by the Secretary or the DFO.


h.     Equal opportunity practices, in line with USDA policies, will be followed in all appointments to the Committee.  To ensure that the recommendations of the Committee have taken into account the needs of the diverse groups served by the Departments, membership should include, to the extent practicable, individuals with demonstrated ability to represent minorities, women, and persons with disabilities.


4.   Duties


a.     The Committee shall:


(1)   Provide periodic reports, prepared on a schedule to be established by the Chair of the Partnership, recommending specific Environmental Improvement Program (EIP) funding actions that should be taken by the agencies participating in the Partnership, individually and collectively, to assist the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency in implementing its programs, to achieve and maintain the environmental threshold carrying capacities as mandated by the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact (Pub. L. No. 96-551) and identified in the EIP;


(2)   Advise and recommend actions that should be taken by the agencies participating in the Partnership to assist the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency to achieve its other goals, including economic goals for the Lake Tahoe Basin;


(3)   Respond to requests from the Partnership or its Chair for any other advice relating to the Partnership’s fulfillment of its duties pursuant to Executive Order 13057;


(4)   Advise, as requested by the Partnership or its Chair, on the preparation of annual reports to the President on the implementation of Executive Order 13057; and


(5)   Advise on how to facilitate the integration and coordination of appropriate Federal programs and funds to help achieve the goals of the EIP.


b.    In providing advice the Committee may:


(1)   Conduct, as part of its review, public meetings to gather and review information relevant to EIP funding recommendations under Public Law 106-506 and Public Law 105-263; and


(2)   Prepare work plans that outline planned activities and timelines for accomplishing tasks responsive to the purpose and scope of this charter.


5.   Estimated Annual Operations Costs


a.    Members of the Committee shall serve without pay, but with reimbursement of travel expenses in accordance with Federal per diem rates for attendance at the meetings approved by the DFO.


 b.   Annual estimated operating costs of the Committee are $95,000.  Expenses will be borne by the USDA Forest Service each year.  Federal staff support is estimated at 1.5 staff year per year.


6.   Number and Frequency of Meetings


a.     The advisory committee will meet as often as is necessary to complete its business, but no less than four times a year.


b.    A majority of the members of the advisory committee shall constitute a quorum for a meeting that will provide consensus direction.


7.   Reports/Support


a.     The advisory committee reports to the Secretary of Agriculture.


b.     Clerical and other administrative support for the advisory committee will be provided by the USDA Forest Service.