Frequently Asked Questions

Defenders of Wildlife receives thousands of calls and emails each month.  Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below.  If you need additional assistance contact us directly.

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Contact Us

National Headquarters
1130 17th St NW
Washington DC 20036

General and Administrative Questions

Membership & Donations

  • Q: I haven't received my "free gift" (plush animal, backpack etc.) yet. When will I get it?


    On average it takes 6-8 weeks once your donation is processed for you to receive your free gift. In the meantime, you will receive an acknowledgment packet thanking you for your donation that includes address labels. You should receive your free gift several weeks after you receive this packet.


  • Q: I renewed but I just got a another renewal notice in the mail.


    If you recently renewed and you received a renewal notice, your renewal donation and the renewal notice may have crossed in the mail. If you sent your renewal donation more than two months ago and you are still receiving renewal notices, please contact us at 1-800-385-9712 and we will be happy to check on your membership.


  • Q: How do I donate to Defenders of Wildlife?


    You can securely join Defenders of Wildlife, renew your membership, or adopt an animal online. You can also donate over the phone by calling 1-800-385-9712. If you prefer, you can mail your donation (check or money order) to:

    Defenders of Wildlife
    National Headquarters
    1130 17th Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036

    The basic yearly membership dues are $20.00. However, for first-time members we offer an introductory membership rate of $15.00. Membership includes a year's worth of our award-winning Defenders magazine, a Defenders of Wildlife calendar, notecards, and many other membership benefits.


  • Q: How do I set up a gift membership?


    A gift membership costs just $15, the same as our introductory membership rate. You can also adopt an animal as a gift for a friend or loved one online! Gift memberships and gift adoptions include a year's worth of our award-winning Defenders magazine. You can also donate over the phone by calling 1-800-385-9712. If you prefer, you can mail your donation (check or money order) to:

    Defenders of Wildlife
    National Headquarters
    1130 17th Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036

    Please be sure to indicate that this is a gift and the name and address of the gift recipient.


  • Q: Are local chapters available to members of Defenders of Wildlife?


    Defenders of Wildlife does not have any local chapters. We do have regional offices all over the United States as well as one in Mexico and one in Alberta, Canada. Each office works on programs and issues that affect their specific region.


  • Q: How do I make a memorial donation for someone or my pet?


    You can make a memorial donation over the phone by calling 1-800-385-9712. If you prefer, you can send in a donation (check or money order) to:

    Defenders of Wildlife
    National Headquarters
    1130 17th Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036

    Since so many of our supporters have pets, some choose to make memorial gifts in their pet's name. Please be sure to include the following information: your name and address, the name of the person or pet who has passed away, and where you would like an acknowledgment for the memorial gift to be sent (for example, an acknowledgment is usually sent to a family member).


  • Q: I don't live in the U.S., can I still donate?


    Yes you can! You can mail your donation (check or money order in U.S. currency) to:

    Defenders of Wildlife
    National Headquarters
    1130 17th Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036


  • Q: How do I change my address?


    It's easy! Please e-mail or call Membership Services at 1-800-385-9712 and be sure to give us your name, your old address and your new address and we will update your membership record. Because of the long lead time for some of our postal mailings, it may be 30-45 days for the change to fully take effect. Email changes will take effect within a few days.


  • Q: How can I stop getting so much mail?


    Besides our magazine, we send mailings to supporters to let them know of new initiatives and to keep them up to date on our progress on an array of programs. Feel free to contact Membership Services at and let us know what you want to receive/don't want to receive. We want to honor your wishes.

    If you are not a member or have never donated to Defenders of Wildlife, you can write to the following address to have your name removed from shared mailing lists:

    Mail Preference Service
    c/o the Direct Marketing Association
    P.O. Box 9008
    Farmingdale, NY 11735


  • Q: How can I stop mail coming to someone else who has passed away or who no longer lives at my address?


    To stop receiving mail addressed to someone who has passed away or to a previous resident, notify Defenders at and write to:

    Mail Preference Service
    c/o the Direct Marketing Association
    P.O. Box 9008
    Farmingdale, NY 11735


  • Q: Can I make automatic monthly donations?


    Yes! You can join our monthly giving program to become a Wildlife Guardian and pledge to give a specific monthly donation to help protect wolves, big cats, polar bears, dolphins and other imperiled wildlife. You can make a gift by credit card, electronic funds transfer or check. Please call 877-682-9401 for more information.


  • Q: How long will my membership be valid?


    Membership runs on a calendar year basis and runs from January to December.


  • Q: Will my information remain private?


    Defenders of Wildlife does exchange or make its mail list available for rental to other organizations from which we feel you may have interest in receiving material. We do offer our members the option of being excluded from this practice. Please contact our Membership Services department at 1-800-385-9712 or and we will gladly honor your request to refrain from making your information available to others.


  • Q: What is your adopt an animal program about?


    Our wildlife adoption program gives you the opportunity to further support the protection of wildlife and their habitat. We have a variety of animals to choose from, including wolves, polar bears, tigers, jaguars, sea otters, and snowy owls. Your adoption will not only help pass on the legacy of conservation, but will help educate others on the importance of protecting these precious animals for generations to come. In addition, for each adoption you make, you will receive a certificate of adoption and plush animal for you to enjoy. Visit our Wildlife Adoption and Gift Center for more information.


  • Q: What else can I do to help save wildlife?


    To keep caring individuals like yourself informed of the latest wildlife and environmental news we've created Defenders Wildlife eNews.

    Over 250,000 wildlife supporters now receive this exclusive monthly e-newsletter and the periodic alerts we send when we need them to contact their legislators or federal officials.

    We'd like to i nclude you as a member of the Defenders online community, so please sign up for Wildlife eNews today.


  • Q: How does Defenders use my donation?


    Long known for our leadership on endangered species issues, Defenders of Wildlife is a solution-oriented organization dedicated to saving rare animals and plants, conserving habitat and building a broad constituency for protecting wildlife and wild places.

    We harness the skills and expertise of more than 100 scientists, wildlife specialists, educators, activists, economists and attorneys to work in the halls of Congress, state legislatures, the courts, local communities, and more than a dozen offices in North America.

    We develop and advocate innovative solutions which will encourage conservation of entire ecosystems and interconnected habitats while protecting predators that serve as indicator species for ecosystem health. Through this multi-pronged approach of education, advocacy, research and litigation, we work specifically to:

    Protect Native Animals and Plants: We develop and champion practical programs to save a wide variety of North American species, including keystone species such as gray wolves, grizzly bears, sea otters and jaguars.

    Restore and Preserve Habitat: We promote progressive land-use strategies that safeguard key habitats such as wetlands, deserts, forests and grasslands from development and degradation.

    Advocate for Environmental Legislation: We mobilize supporters and work with partners on the international, national, state and local levels to secure laws and policies that safeguard wild species and their habitats.


  • Q: Is my credit card information safe when I give online?


    Defenders of Wildlife goes to great lengths to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of any personal information you share with us over the Internet.

    Our sitesuse Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, the industry standard security technology, to safeguard your credit card and other financial information. Our donation pages display the Verisign Secure Site Seal to assure you that our Web site is authentic and that all transactions are secured by SSL encryption. If you are making a donation, the credit card information that you provide is used only to process your donation and will not be used by us for any other purposes.

    If you have any questions, please contact us at


  • Q: How will my personal information be used?


    Defenders of Wildlife goes to great lengths to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of any personal information you share with us over the Internet. Defenders of Wildlife does not sell or rent your email address or credit card information to anyone. Read our privacy policy to learn about the ways in which we may use personal information that you choose to provide.


Checks and Credit Cards

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Wildlife Questions

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