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National Vaccine Program Office

Calendar of Recent and Upcoming Vaccine Meetings

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NVPO-Sponsored Meetings

April 2007

  • Vaccine Safety Evaluation: Post-Marketing Surveillance Conference � Bethesda, Maryland, April 10-11, 2007

July 2005

  • Joint NVAC/ACIP Meeting - Rockville, Maryland, July 19, 2005

June 2005

  • Strengthening the Delivery of Vaccines for Adolescents: A National Stakeholders' Meeting - Washington, DC, June 2-3, 2005

April 2005

January 2005

  • 2nd NVAC Workshop on Strengthening the Supply of Vaccines in the U.S. - January 24-25, 2005

September 2004

  • NVAC Public Participation Meeting : NVAC Public Participation Working Group Meeting on Models for Enhancing Public Involvement in Vaccine Decision-Making
    September 13-14, 2004
    Hubert Humphrey Building Room 705A
    200 Independence Ave, SW
    Washington, DC 20201

June 2004

March 2004

December 2003

September 2003

  • Pneumococcal Disease Prevention in Adults: Potential Vaccine Strategies
    September 9-10, 2003
    Four Points Sheraton Hotel
    Washington, DC

Non-NVPO Vaccine Meetings

May 2004

March 2004

February 2004

NVAC Meetings

Browse upcoming meeting dates and other information regarding the National Vaccine Advisory Committee.

Last revised: April 19, 2007


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