The Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station and MSU Extension work to meet the needs of Michigan’s citizens in every county and at 14 specialized field stations. Research and Extension programs are conducted on topics that affect Michigan’s natural resources, farms and other businesses, communities, families and young people.

To see selected examples of recent MSU Extension and Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station efforts designed to improve the quality of life for Michigan’s citizens, economic opportunities for businesses, management efforts for natural resources, or education to improve capacity in communities, click on the links to the left.

In addition this site provides information about MSUE and MAES resources on campus for Michigan's hot topics.

Contributing to MIichigan's Success Header
2007 Impacts
2006 Impacts
2005 Impacts
Link to Quick Reference Guide Web site
Link to Strengthening Michigan's Economy Web site
Link to MSU Extension Web site
Link to Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Web site
Link to Michigan State University Web site
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