• Discounts on GRA Symposiums and Workshops
  • Discount on California Groundwater Management, 2nd Edition
  • Quarterly Publication - Hydrovisions
  • Regional Branch Activities and Programs
  • Stay Current on Groundwater News & Events
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Access to GRA Membership Directory
  • Organized Grassroots Advocacy
  • Industry Specific Employment Listing Service
  • Support of GRA's Mission to Protect and Improve Groundwater

Regular Individual Member
Any person employed or interested in a groundwater-related field, which may include: regulation, evaluation, development, remediation or investigation of groundwater, groundwater supplies, or groundwater resources; groundwater-related technology field; groundwater-related law or planning; or education related to earth science, engineering, environmental, natural sciences or physical sciences. Regular members are voting members.

          Cost: Regular Member, Individual (voting) $100.00

Associate Member
Any person interested in the groundwater resources of California and who supports the stated purposes and objectives of the Association. Associate members are non-voting members.

          Cost: Associate Member, Individual (non-voting) $90.00

Student Member
Student members will be currently registered full-time students who have provided verification of student status. Student members are non-voting members.

          Cost: Student Member, Individual (non-voting) $10.00

Business / Government Organization Members
A group of persons, each of whom satisfies the criteria for Regular membership, collectively may join the Association as an organization, whether corporate, governmental or otherwise ; however, only the individuals  are entitled to voting privileges.

          Cost: Organization Membership (voting)
          $270.00 for first 3 employees and $90 for additional employees

Applicants shall be admitted to membership on making application therefore in writing, upon payment of first annual dues, and upon approval of the Board of Directors.

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