United States Department of Agriculture USDA.gov
 USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection

Vitis riparia and Vitis vulpina

Close up of frame, Vitis riparia and Vitis vulpina,
watercolor by Wilhelm Heinrich (William Henry) Prestele intended for Thomas Volney Munson's late 19th-century monograph on the native species of Vitis.
The Papers of Wilhelm Heinrich (William Henry) Prestele,
Special Collections, National Agricultural Library.

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Frame for Vitis riparia and Vitis vulpina,
1 1/8" medium brown wood frame with gold inner line;
top matte light olive green, bottom matte medium olive grean;
conservation glass; acid-free backing board.
Outside frame dimensions: 20.5" x 19".
Inner print dimensions: 11.75" x 13.25".
Unframed print dimensions: 13" x 19".

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