Success Stories

We've come a long way, baby. Read about some of our biggest victories below. We couldn't have done it without you!

Soaring Victory for Montana Wolverines, Grizzlies and Lynx!
In the Fall of 2008, Defenders' supporters in Montana helped keep noisy, polluting helicopters out of a key area of northwestern Montana.

Victory for Cook Inlet Belugas
In October of 2008, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced that the Cook Inlet beluga whale population near Anchorage is in danger of extinction, and has been listed as an endangered species.

Florida Forever Gets New Lease on Life
Florida panthers, gopher tortoises, black bears and other wildlife have renewed hope in Florida.

Saving Bison
Defenders activists are helping restore bison to historic habitats outside Yellowstone National Park, starting with a corridor to critical winter range outside the park.

No Airstrip in Red Wolf Territory
In early 2008, the Navy abandoned building an airstrip near Pocosin Lakes in North Carolina -- home to the world’s only wild population of endangered red wolves.

Black-footed Ferrets Return to Kansas!
Larry and Bette Haverfield and other heroic ranchers finally won a long fight to bring endangered black-footed ferrets back to the Kansas prairie.

A Victory for Manatees
Thanks to many wildlife supporters and Florida Governor Charlie Crist, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted to delay action to downlist the manatee on the state's imperiled species list.

A Win for Wolves
More than 31,000 wildlife supporters wrote their U.S. Representatives and made a difference for southwest wolves.

Progress in the Fight to End Wolverine Trapping in MT
In 2008, thanks to hundreds of wildlife defenders in the Big Sky State, the Montana Fish & Wildlife Commission voted to further restrict wolverine trapping.

Gov. Signs Law to Protect California Condors
Years of hard work finally paid off for California's beleaguered condors as Gov. Schwarzenegger signed a law to protect them.

Longline Fishing Dangers
It is estimated that longline fishing is responsible for approximately 180,000 seabird deaths each year. Defenders is working to end this.

Bald Eagles
Because of Endangered Species Act of 1973, the bald eagle has recovered at a faster pace than conservationists had ever expected.

The Battle Goes on in the Arctic
Thanks in part to more than 70,000 e-mails, letters, faxes and phone calls Big Oil wasn't able to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in 2006.

Protecting the Diamondback Terrapin
Defenders received praise for mobilizing citizen activists in Maryland to urge the Governor to protect the diamondback terrapin!

Banning Poisons
Over 30 years ago Defenders helped pass a bill banning predator poisons on public early success!