Habitat Conservation

Defenders promotes progressive land-use strategies on federal state and private lands that safeguard key habitats such as wetlands, deserts, forests and grasslands from development and degradation.

Wildlife Conservation Agenda for the Obama Administration

Wildlife Conservation Agenda

Defenders' has published our Wildlife Conservation Agenda for the Next Administration. It outlines 7 steps the Obama Administration should take to help preserve and protect our nation's wildlife. Among those steps are:

  • responsibly managing America's federal lands; and
  • encouraging private landowners, states, and tribes to conserve wildlife and habitat.

Read the Agenda.

Habitat Conservation Basics

Protecting fish and wildlife requires conserving enough habitat for animals to move around, feed, and reproduce. Learn the basics of habitat conservation.

Conservation Planning

Defenders of Wildlife strongly advocates for improved prioritization and cooperation in conservation efforts. Some places and species have a greater need for protection than others.

Federal Lands

From forests to refuges, Defenders is on the forefront to ensure our public lands are managed for the conservation of habitat and wildlife.

Private Lands

Defenders works directly with landowners, including ranchers and farmers to find innovative solutions to conserve imperiled species while ensuring continued use of their lands.


From manatees to sea otters, Defenders is working on creative solutions to provide for the conservation of marine species through legislation, science and education.

Habitat and Highways

One million animals are killed each day on American's roads. Defenders works with transportation officials and lawmakers to find ways to provide safer more wildlife-friendly roads for America's citizens.

State & Tribal Wildlife Grants Program

The State & Tribal Wildlife Grants Program encourages proactive wildlife conservation by government agencies and Indian tribes. The program protects biodiversity in each state to prevent species from becoming endangered.

Your Lands, Your Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife is a partner in the Your Lands, Your Wildlife campaign, a a nationwide initiative to ensure that wildlife becomes a management priority on Forest Service and BLM lands, and that the wide open spaces that Americans value are sustained for generations to come.