
Defenders’ staff is as diverse and unique as they are dedicated and experienced. Drawing top wildlife biologists, government policy experts, media relations specialists, membership service representatives, lawyers and many more, Defenders of Wildlife puts all of their individual talents to use to achieve our organization’s common goals.

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Rodger Schlickeisen President and CEO

Executive Vice President

Jamie Rappaport Clark Executive Vice President

Conservation Programs

Wm. Robert Irvin Senior Vice President for Conservation Programs

Field Conservation Programs

D'Anne Albers California Desert Associate
Pelayo Alvarez California Rangeland Conservation Coalition Program Director
Joshua Basofin California Representative
Anne Carlson Northern Rockies Wolf Campaign Coordinator
Matt Clark Southwest Representative
Jim Curland Marine Program Associate
Kimberley Delfino California Program Director
Karla M. Dutton Alaska Program Director
Nina Fascione Vice President for Field Conservation
Elizabeth Fleming Florida Representative
Pamela Flick California Program Coordinator
David Gaillard Northern Rockies Representative
Caroline Kennedy Senior Director of Field Conservation
Michael T. Leahy Rocky Mountain Region Director
Laurie Ann Macdonald Florida Program Director
Craig Miller Southwest Representative
James Pissot Director, Canada Programs
Jonathan Proctor Rocky Mountain Region Representative
Eva Lee Sargent Director Southwest Program
Gina Schrader Conservation Associate
Suzanne Asha Stone Northern Rockies Representative
Jeremy Terhune San Joaquin Valley Representative
Jesse Timberlake Northern Rockies Associate
Wade Willis Alaska Representative

Government Relations and External Affairs

Caitlin Balch-Burnett Colorado Outreach Representative
Mary Elizabeth Beetham Director of Legislative Affairs
Sara Chieffo Government Relations Associate
Robert Dewey Vice President for Government Relations
M. Scott Johnson Arizona Senior Outreach Representative
Marcia Lesky Director of National Outreach
Sandra Young Purohit Government Relations Associate

International Conservation

Juan Carlos Cantú Manager, Mexico Programs
Alejandra Goyenechea International Counsel
Peter T. Jenkins Director of International Conservation

Science and Conservation Economics

Jean Brennan Senior Climate Change Scientist
Frank Casey Director, Conservation Economics Program
Robert P. Davison Senior Scientist, Endangered Species and Wildlife Conservation
Aimee Delach Senior Associate for Conservation Science
J. Christopher Haney Chief Scientist and Vice-President of the Conservation Science and Economics Department
Timm Kroeger Natural Resources and Environmental Economist
Anna McMurray Conservation Economics Associate

Conservation Law

Robert Dreher Vice President for Conservation Law
Kara Gillon Senior Staff Attorney
Erin Lieberman Walter Kuhlmann Legal Fellow
Jason C. Rylander Staff Attorney
Brian Segee Staff Attorney
Sierra B. Weaver Staff Attorney

Land Conservation

Rick Brown Senior Resource Specialist
Noah Kahn Federal Lands Associate
Kassandra Kelly Media Production Specialist
Gina L. LaRocco Conservation Program Associate
Noah Matson Vice President for Land Conservation
Peter Nelson Director, Federal Lands Program
Sara O'Brien Private Lands Conservation Associate
Pine Roehrs Living Lands Project Coordinator
Brianne Smith Federal Lands Associate
Bruce Taylor Oregon Biodiversity Program Director
Katie Theoharides Conservation Planning Associate
Sara Vickerman Senior Director, Biodiversity Partnerships
Aimee Weldon Living Lands Project Manager
Patricia A. White Director, Habitat & Highways Campaign


Jessica Brand Communications Associate
Mark Cheater Director of Publications
Cindy Hoffman Vice President of Communications
Charles Kogod Photo Editor
Cat Lazaroff Director of Communications
William Lutz Senior Communications Specialist
Erin McCallum Communications Specialist
James Navarro Communications Associate
Heidi Ridgley Senior Editor, Defenders Magazine