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Being There—Extending EPA’s Message

A friendly EPA welcome from Georgia Dunaway at a recent scientific conference
A friendly EPA welcome from Georgia Dunaway at a recent scientific conference

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Wherever national scientific conferences and trade shows are held, EPA is there, thanks to a popular outreach program managed by NRMRL technical communication specialists. Pioneered by a member of the NRMRL technical communications and outreach staff, the outreach effort has grown from two conference visits a year to the current schedule of nearly two dozen visits. Annually, the outreach team greets more than 100,000 attendees representing the scientific community, government, private industry, business, academia, and tribal groups. In addition to handing out materials, EPA team members answer questions about new Agency research and direct inquiries to the appropriate EPA offices and programs. Typically, the outreach team distributes some 40,000 pieces of information each year in the form of CDs, manuals, research reports, guidance documents, fact sheets, and meeting announcements. Conference attendees appreciate the team for putting a “human face” on the Agency, along with providing updates on scientific information.

Among the range of conferences attended by the EPA team each year, the following stand out, either because of the large participation they generate or for the quality of their speakers, workshops, and presentations:

WEFTEC (Water Environment Federation’s Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference) is the largest water quality meeting in North America, attracting some 20,000 attendees. This year’s 81st annual meeting in Chicago will offer 115 technical sessions, 31 workshops, 10 facility tours, and over 900 exhibitors. EPA will present a very large exhibit area—about 4600 square feet—staffed cooperatively by participants from EPA labs and offices, as well as the outreach team.

GLOBE is the largest North American international conference on environmental issues for business and government. About 11,000 participants, among them many government ministers, generate international action plans and programs that help protect the environment in more than 70 countries.

The JSEM (Joint Services Environmental Management) Training Conference addresses a wide range of environmental concerns of the Department of Defense, other federal agencies, states, and the defense industry. It is widely considered to be one of the most significant events for U.S. environmental policy makers and practitioners.

WASTE EXPO is North America’s largest solid waste and recycling trade show, with about 8700 attendees from both the public and private sectors. More than 500 exhibitors present new equipment and technology to visitors, which include nearly a thousand international attendees.

AWWA (American Water Works Association) is the oldest and largest organization of water and wastewater professionals in the world, with 60,000 members. Founded in 1881, the association drew 12,000 attendees to its 2008 conference. AWWA also sponsors separate conferences. One of these is the Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), organized to serve the specific needs of drinking water professionals. This year’s meeting of WQTC will be held in Cincinnati, its birthplace: the first WQTC conference was launched there in 1973 in cooperation with EPA.

AWMA (Air and Waste Management Association) held its 101st annual meeting this year in Portland, Oregon, with about 3000 attendees. EPA’s outreach team was there in a 1000-square foot exhibit nicknamed “EPA Alley” by fellow exhibitors, in tribute to the number of visitors it attracted.

This listing is only a brief sampling of the variety of environmental conferences and trade shows served by the EPA outreach team as it continues its task of extending EPA’s mission to the scientific community everywhere.


Cindy Kirchmer, NRMRL Office of Public Affairs (513) 569-7737

Hot Off the Presses—NRMRL Publications

Hasymonay, R., M. Modrak, M., and E.D. Thoma. Assessment of Hydrogen Sulfide Minimum Detection Limits of an Open Path Tunable Diode Laser. In Proceedings, AWMA's 101st Annual Conference and Exhibition, Portland, OR, June 24–27, 2008. AWMA Exit EPA Disclaimer, Pittsburgh, PA, NA, (2008). [Conference proceedings CD will be available for purchase in late August 08]

Sivaganesan, M. Estimating chloramine C x T for the synergistic inactivation of Cryptosporidium with ozone followed by chloramine Exit EPA Disclaimer. M. Lacey (ed.), Journal of the American Water Works Association. American Water Works Association, Denver, CO, 100(7):ISSN 1551-8833, (2008).

Thoma, E. D., S. Thorneloe, R. Segall, R. B. Green, G. R. Hater, R. Hashmonay, M. Modrak, M. J. Chase, AND D. C. Goldsmith. Development of EPA OTM 10 for Landfill Applications, Interim Report. In Proceedings, AWMA's 101st Annual Conference and Exhibition, Portland, OR, June 24–27, 2008. AWMA Exit EPA Disclaimer, Pittsburgh, PA, NA, (2008). [Conference proceedings CD will be available for purchase in late August]

EPA Reports

Demonstration and Evaluation of an Automated Infiltration Gallery System at Port Hueneme, CA (PDF) (109 pp, 4.45 MB) (EPA/600/R-08/068) June 2008

Development of Duration-Curve Based Methods for Qualifying Variability and Change in Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality (PDF) (58 pp, 2.63 MB) (EPA/600/R-08/065) May 2008

Quick Assessment Protocols for Measuring Relative Ecological Significance of Terrestrial Ecosystem (PDF) (46 pp, 3.47 MB) (EPA/600/R-08/061) May 2008

Linking Waterfowl with Contaminant Speciation in Riparian Soils (PDF) (82 pp, 1.93 MB) (EPA/600/R-08/060) January 2008

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